Topic: Instead of json answer receiving captcha request

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

I have created a very simple telegram bot that gets images from e621, but after a month of its work instead of json results I started to receive a captcha requests. Is there any way to bypass this captcha?

Im sending GET requests to posts.json with custom user-agent header, my api token and login. Requests are being made 5-10 times a day. Bot is running on heroku servers

freefurrytg said:
I have created a very simple telegram bot that gets images from e621, but after a month of its work instead of json results I started to receive a captcha requests. Is there any way to bypass this captcha?

Im sending GET requests to posts.json with custom user-agent header, my api token and login. Requests are being made 5-10 times a day. Bot is running on heroku servers

They must be working on the site's backend and I'm pretty sure cloudflare itself has had an update. I've been getting constantly Capcha'd by cloudflare and 503'd by the site itself for the past 10 minutes both trying to get to the front page and using the "" link (which worked yesterday). The "random post" button disappeared from the sidebar on posts in march when they updated the site and I just notices it's gone from the site map too so I think that'd done for.

Given the attacks on F-List, this may be a preventative measure, or the attacks may have shifted here. Keep an eye on the Twitter, I guess?

furrymcfuzzball said:
They must be working on the site's backend and I'm pretty sure cloudflare itself has had an update. I've been getting constantly Capcha'd by cloudflare and 503'd by the site itself for the past 10 minutes both trying to get to the front page and using the "" link (which worked yesterday). The "random post" button disappeared from the sidebar on posts in march when they updated the site and I just notices it's gone from the site map too so I think that'd done for.

Was wondering why I got captcha'd just trying to visit the site. It's an image archive site, so I find it weird.

bitwolfy said:
It's a temporary measure.
Just give it some time.

Um, excuse me, but don't you know this is the internet in <Current Year>??? Waiting is for people with dialup :P



steel_warrior said:
Was wondering why I got captcha'd just trying to visit the site. It's an image archive site, so I find it weird.

E6 and other furry sites tend to get DDoSed quite a bit, when it happens Cloudflare or admins increase the protection level for a day or so.



greenheartdemon said:
Is this why I'm literally unable to use any e621 downloader? Keep getting error 403 which mentions captcha.

Yeah, the DDoS protection needs you to solve a captcha before it'll let you access the site, which also applies to bots and downloaders, it'll likely be lowered again in a day or two though.

pup said:
Yeah, the DDoS protection needs you to solve a captcha before it'll let you access the site, which also applies to bots and downloaders, it'll likely be lowered again in a day or two though.

Ah okay, thanks a lot for the quick response :)

Yeah I recently started having this issue. It makes it impossible to use the API which makes the API kinda useless. I hope they turn off under attack mode soon or allow requests with api keys to bypass it.

Has there been any update on this?

I was going insane on why my script was throwing 503 errors even with a valid user-agent.

Thanks! :D

bitwolfy said:
It's a temporary measure.
Just give it some time.

Hello! Sorry for posting twice but I am curious if you have any more insight about this issue.



articlight said:
Hey guys, having trouble signing in on my video game console. Please tell me this only temporary?

Yeah, the same as I posted above, Cloudflare's increased protection needs you to solve a captcha, which I'm guessing doesn't work on consoles, or whichever app you're using.

It'll be back to normal in a day or two when they lower the protection again.

pup said:
Yeah, the same as I posted above, Cloudflare's increased protection needs you to solve a captcha, which I'm guessing doesn't work on consoles, or whichever app you're using.

It'll be back to normal in a day or two when they lower the protection again.

Oh okay cool thanks friend

I understand that this is a Cloudflare feature, but does anyone know if an IP address can be whitelisted? I'm in a country with botnets, but I have a static IP that I own and secure.