Topic: [FAILED] a horny BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #946 is active.

create implication grey_horn (4842) -> horn (697394)
create implication smooth_horn (1246) -> horn (697394)
create implication head_horn (2399) -> horn (697394)
create implication tan_horn (1515) -> horn (697394)
create implication curled_horn (3664) -> horn (697394)
create implication small_horn (1803) -> horn (697394)
create implication striped_horn (1022) -> horn (697394)
create implication light_horn (309) -> horn (697394)
create implication dark_horn (378) -> horn (697394)
create implication wavy_horn (231) -> horn (697394)
create implication hand_on_horn (172) -> horn (697394)
create implication holding_horn (325) -> horn (697394)
create implication straight_horn (217) -> horn (697394)
create implication back_horn (41) -> horn (697394)
create implication front_horn (25) -> horn (697394)
create implication carved_horn (39) -> horn (697394)
create implication gradient_horn (213) -> horn (697394)
create implication drinking_horn (39) -> horn (697394)
create implication zigzag_horn (12) -> horn (697394)
create implication blunt_horn (19) -> horn (697394)
create implication notched_horn (30) -> horn (697394)
create implication forked_horn (52) -> horn (697394)
create implication segmented_horn (109) -> horn (697394)
create implication stubby_horn (21) -> horn (697394)
create implication short_horn (1015) -> small_horn (1803)
create implication sharp_horn (1101) -> horn (697394)
create implication tapering_horn (47) -> horn (697394)
create alias large_horn (0) -> big_horn (1159)
create alias strait_horn (0) -> straight_horn (217)
create alias one_horn (0) -> 1_horn (2306)
create alias tapered_horn (0) -> tapering_horn (47)
create alias sinuous_horn (0) -> curved_horn (11448)
create alias curly_horn (0) -> curled_horn (3664)
create alias teal_horn (37) -> green_horn (1729)
create alias ram_horns (0) -> ram_horn (3253)
create alias snout_horn (0) -> nose_horn (4051)
create alias multi_tone_horn (0) -> multicolored_horn (1814)
create alias pointy_horn (0) -> sharp_horn (1101)
create alias pointed_horn (0) -> sharp_horn (1101)
create alias silver_horn (0) -> grey_horn (4842)
create alias burlywood_horn (0) -> tan_horn (1515)

Reason: What are you opinions on these?

alias one_horn -> 1_horn
alias one_horn -> horn
alias 1_horn -> horn

seems like a miss spelling to me, but I am not sure about this, I am not a native English speaker
alias strait_horn -> straight_horn

short horn is more used, but small fits better to small_/penis/breasts/balls etc.
alias short_horn -> small_horn

There are several more barely used *_horn tags. But I think the BUR is getting quite big already. Maybe someone (D.D.M. :D) can look over them. Besides that, point out if you think I should change something.
And If you dont like the BUR, please consider telling me why, so I can get better in it.

EDIT: The bulk update request #946 (forum #310822) has failed: Error: short_horn already implies horn through another implication (create implication short_horn -> horn)

EDIT: The bulk update request #946 (forum #310822) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

"Tapering" means to "gradually narrow". It has nothing to do with curving. Depending on how we want to handle Pointy, we can either alias it, or just keep Tapering as its own, not-quite-sharp tip.
post #2769038
Note that this horn rounds at the end, does this qualify as "Pointy"? Or should this be considered "Tapered" so that it's just narrow at the tip, not pointy? I'm leaning towards keeping Tapered for this sake, and just aliasing tapering_horn to tapered_horn.

Hopefully this was helpful! :) There might be some other things to edit on this BUR, but I'll need to check through it again sometime later (right now, I want to make a supplemental BUR for that t-shirt BUR you made). And I can make a supplemental horn BUR sometime later as well.

+1 to keeping tapering_horn, as that would follow the already existing alias for tapered_penis -> tapering_penis. There's some other tapering body parts that could probably do with some implications and aliases as well, though. Plus, as already mentioned above, tapering =/= curved.

Also in agreement with aliasing pointy_horn -> sharp_horn and large_horn -> big_horn, as mentioned by D.D.M. above.

I'm uncertain if stubby_horn or ram_horn are even useful to keep separate, though. I'm also uncertain if silver_horn should be kept, seeing how some silver_* tags are aliased to their respective grey_* tags. Also, are we actually keeping the burlywood_* tags?

Edit: How are we defining the difference between curled, wavy, and curved horns? To me, curled and wavy sound like subsets of curved, at least just going off of the names, but I've never been sure how they were meant to be used.


d.d.m. said:

  • I'm not sure about what to do about short_horn and small_horn. I'm wondering if there's a good reason to keep these tags separate.

Arguably, a short_horn is one that appears to have a base-to-point length equal to or smaller than the horn's widest width while a small_horn is overall visibly undersized even if it might be normally proportioned for the species. But I'm hardly a horn expert.


furrin_gok said:
"Tapering" means to "gradually narrow"

d.d.m. said:
I would also keep tapering_horn as a separate tag, since this is different from a curved_horn.

clawstripe said:
tapering =/= curved.

oh ^^'
imply tapering_horn -> curved_horn removed
alias tapering_horn -> tapered_horn added

d.d.m. said:
I think one_horn should be aliased to 1_horn, to match the format of other tags like 1_leg or 4_arms.

imply 1_horn -> horn added
alias one_horn -> 1_horn added

d.d.m. said:
The alias strait_horn -> straight_horn looks correct (that does indeed look like a misspelling of straight_horn).

alias strait_horn -> straight_horn added


d.d.m. said:
I'm not sure about what to do about short_horn and small_horn. I'm wondering if there's a good reason to keep these tags separate.

clawstripe said:
Arguably, a short_horn is one that appears to have a base-to-point length equal to or smaller than the horn's widest width while a small_horn is overall visibly undersized even if it might be normally proportioned

alias short_horn -> small_horn removed
imply short_horn -> small_horn added
imply short_horn -> horn added


d.d.m. said:
I think aliasing pointy_horn -> sharp_horn would be better

vulkalu said:
Also in agreement with aliasing pointy_horn -> sharp_horn

imply pointy_horn -> horn removed
alias sharp_horn -> pointy_horn removed
alias pointed_horn -> pointy_horn removed
alias pointy_horn -> sharp_horn added
alias pointed_horn -> sharp_horn added
imply sharp_horn -> horn added


d.d.m. said:
I think aliasing large_horn -> big_horn would be better

vulkalu said:
...big_horn, as mentioned by D.D.M. above.

imply large_horn -> horn removed
alias large_horn -> big_horn added

vulkalu said:
...I'm also uncertain if silver_horn should be kept... are we actually keeping the burlywood_* tags?

I thought the same. But wasn't sure about it.
imply silver_horn -> horn removed
imply burlywood_horn -> horn removed
alias silver_horn -> grey_horn added
alias burlywood_horn -> tan_horn added

I hope it's better now and my brain had no error ^^

The bulk update request #957 is active.

remove alias beige_horns (0) -> tan_horns (0)
create alias unihorn (0) -> 1_horn (2306)
create alias duohorn (0) -> 2_horns (25376)
create alias duo_horn (0) -> 2_horns (25376)
create alias duohorns (0) -> 2_horns (25376)
create alias duo_horns (0) -> 2_horns (25376)
create alias duohorned (0) -> 2_horns (25376)
create alias duo_horned (0) -> 2_horns (25376)
create alias trihorn (0) -> 3_horns (1377)
create alias tri_horn (0) -> 3_horns (1377)
create alias trihorns (0) -> 3_horns (1377)
create alias tri_horns (0) -> 3_horns (1377)
create alias trihorned (0) -> 3_horns (1377)
create alias tri_horned (0) -> 3_horns (1377)
create alias quadhorn (0) -> 4_horns (2452)
create alias quad_horn (0) -> 4_horns (2452)
create alias quadhorns (0) -> 4_horns (2452)
create alias quad_horns (0) -> 4_horns (2452)
create alias quadhorned (0) -> 4_horns (2452)
create alias quad_horned (0) -> 4_horns (2452)
create alias antelope_horns (0) -> antelope_horn (31)
create alias big_horns (0) -> big_horn (1159)
create alias bovid_horns (0) -> bovid_horn (5268)
create alias bovine_horns (0) -> bovine_horn (990)
create alias branch_horns (0) -> branch_horn (43)
create alias branches_horn (0) -> branch_horn (43)
create alias branches_horns (0) -> branch_horn (43)
create alias broken_horns (0) -> broken_horn (5003)
create alias amputated_horns (0) -> broken_horn (5003)
create alias severed_horns (0) -> broken_horn (5003)
create alias clipped_horn (0) -> broken_horn (5003)
create alias clipped_horns (0) -> broken_horn (5003)
create alias bull_horns (0) -> bull_horn (381)
create alias caprine_horns (0) -> caprine_horn (4137)
create alias carved_horns (0) -> carved_horn (39)
create alias engraved_horn (0) -> carved_horn (39)
create alias engraved_horns (0) -> carved_horn (39)
create alias chin_horns (0) -> chin_horn (155)
create alias coral_horns (0) -> coral_horn (2)
create alias cow_horns (0) -> cow_horn (414)
create alias crystal_horns (0) -> crystal_horn (135)
create alias curly_horns (0) -> curled_horn (3664)
create alias bent_horn (0) -> curved_horn (11448)
create alias bent_horns (0) -> curved_horn (11448)
create alias finger_horns (0) -> devil_horns_(gesture) (1451)
create alias hand_horns (0) -> devil_horns_(gesture) (1451)
create alias hand-horns (0) -> devil_horns_(gesture) (1451)
create alias hook_em_horns (0) -> devil_horns_(gesture) (1451)
create alias dragon_horns (0) -> dragon_horn (266)
create alias energy_horns (0) -> energy_horn (1)
create alias facial_horns (0) -> facial_horn (4970)
create alias face_horn (0) -> facial_horn (4970)
create alias face_horns (0) -> facial_horn (4970)
create alias horn_headband (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias horn_headbands (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias horns_headband (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias horns_headbands (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias horn_hairband (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias horn_hairbands (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias horns_hairband (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias horns_hairbands (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias headband_with_horn (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias headband_with_horns (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias headbands_with_horn (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias headbands_with_horns (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias hairband_with_horn (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias hairband_with_horns (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias hairbands_with_horn (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias hairbands_with_horns (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias fake_horn (0) -> fake_horns (2114)
create alias floating_horns (0) -> floating_horn (22)
create alias flower_horns (0) -> flower_horn (0)
create alias gazelle_horns (0) -> gazelle_horn (18)
create alias goat_horns (0) -> goat_horn (693)
create alias gradient_horns (0) -> gradient_horn (213)
create alias teal_horns (0) -> green_horn (1729)
create alias hair_horns (0) -> hair_horn (19)
create alias neon_horn (0) -> horn (697394)
create alias neon_horns (0) -> horn (697394)
create alias horn_accessories (0) -> horn_accessory (1310)
create alias horn_decoration (0) -> horn_accessory (1310)
create alias horn_decorations (0) -> horn_accessory (1310)
create alias horn_ornament (0) -> horn_accessory (1310)
create alias horn_ornaments (0) -> horn_accessory (1310)
create alias horn_band (0) -> hornband (171)
create alias hornbands (0) -> hornband (171)
create alias horn_bands (0) -> hornband (171)
create alias horn_bells (0) -> horn_bell (29)
create alias hornbell (0) -> horn_bell (29)
create alias hornbells (0) -> horn_bell (29)
create alias horn_bows (0) -> horn_bow (208)
create alias horn_caps (0) -> horn_cap (66)
create alias horns_cap (0) -> horn_cap (66)
create alias horns_caps (0) -> horn_cap (66)
create alias horn_marking (0) -> horn_markings (548)
create alias pierced_horns (0) -> horn_piercing (1545)
create alias horn_piercings (0) -> horn_piercing (1545)
create alias horn_ribbons (0) -> horn_ribbon (269)
create alias helmet_horn (0) -> horned_helmet (617)
create alias helmet_horns (0) -> horned_helmet (617)
create alias huge_horns (0) -> huge_horn (76)
create alias hyper_horns (0) -> hyper_horn (1)
create alias leaf_horns (0) -> leaf_horn (0)
create alias oni_horns (0) -> oni_horn (44)
create alias penis_horns (0) -> penis_horn (100)
create alias cock_horns (0) -> penis_horn (100)
create alias dick_horns (0) -> penis_horn (100)
create alias plant_horns (0) -> plant_horn (59)
create alias rainbow_horns (0) -> rainbow_horn (74)
create alias ribbed_horns (0) -> ribbed_horn (25)
create alias rock_horns (0) -> rock_horn (0)
create alias stone_horn (0) -> rock_horn (0)
create alias stone_horns (0) -> rock_horn (0)
create alias sharp_horns (0) -> sharp_horn (1101)
create alias short_horns (0) -> short_horn (1015)
create alias skin_covered_horn (0) -> skin-covered_horn (12)
create alias skin_covered_horns (0) -> skin-covered_horn (12)
create alias skin-covered_horns (0) -> skin-covered_horn (12)
create alias small_horns (0) -> small_horn (1803)
create alias spiral_horns (0) -> spiral_horn (327)
create alias spotted_horns (0) -> spotted_horn (6)
create alias straight_horns (0) -> straight_horn (217)
create alias horn_stripe (0) -> striped_horn (1022)
create alias horn_stripes (0) -> striped_horn (1022)
create alias tentacle_horns (0) -> tentacle_horn (7)
create alias thick_horns (0) -> thick_horn (48)
create alias narrow_horn (0) -> thin_horn (2)
create alias narrow_horns (0) -> thin_horn (2)
create alias thin_horns (0) -> thin_horn (2)
create alias see-through_horn (0) -> translucent_horn (56)
create alias see_through_horn (0) -> translucent_horn (56)
create alias seethrough_horn (0) -> translucent_horn (56)
create alias sheer_horn (0) -> translucent_horn (56)
create alias see-through_horns (0) -> translucent_horn (56)
create alias see_through_horns (0) -> translucent_horn (56)
create alias seethrough_horns (0) -> translucent_horn (56)
create alias sheer_horns (0) -> translucent_horn (56)
create alias transparent_horn (0) -> translucent_horn (56)
create alias transparent_horns (0) -> translucent_horn (56)
create alias translucent_horns (0) -> translucent_horn (56)
create alias unusual_horns (0) -> unusual_horn (89)
create alias veiny_horns (0) -> veiny_horn (9)
create alias wood_horn (0) -> wooden_horn (30)
create alias wood_horns (0) -> wooden_horn (30)
create alias wooden_horns (0) -> wooden_horn (30)
create implication bovid_horn (5268) -> horn (697394)
create implication bovine_horn (990) -> bovid_horn (5268)
create implication bull_horn (381) -> bovine_horn (990)
create implication cow_horn (414) -> bovine_horn (990)
create implication caprine_horn (4137) -> bovid_horn (5268)
create implication goat_horn (693) -> caprine_horn (4137)
create implication ram_horn (3253) -> caprine_horn (4137)
create implication antelope_horn (31) -> bovid_horn (5268)
create implication gazelle_horn (18) -> antelope_horn (31)
create implication dragon_horn (266) -> horn (697394)
create implication fake_cow_horns (212) -> fake_horns (2114)
create implication asymmetrical_horns (338) -> horn (697394)
create implication big_horn (1159) -> horn (697394)
create implication huge_horn (76) -> big_horn (1159)
create implication hyper_horn (1) -> huge_horn (76)
create implication facial_horn (4970) -> horn (697394)
create implication chin_horn (155) -> facial_horn (4970)
create implication nose_horn (4051) -> facial_horn (4970)
create implication floating_horn (22) -> horn (697394)
create implication horn_accessory (1310) -> horn (697394)
create implication horn_accessory (1310) -> accessory (150315)
create implication horn_accessory (1310) -> furgonomics (58476)
create implication hornband (171) -> horn_accessory (1310)
create implication horn_bell (29) -> horn_accessory (1310)
create implication horn_bell (29) -> bell (40646)
create implication horn_cap (66) -> horn_accessory (1310)
create implication horn_ribbon (269) -> horn_accessory (1310)
create implication horn_ribbon (269) -> ribbons (62202)
create implication horn_bow (208) -> horn_ribbon (269)
create implication horn_bow (208) -> bow_ribbon (44390)
create implication horn_wraps (23) -> horn_accessory (1310)
create implication horn_wraps (23) -> wraps (17281)
create implication horn_fetish (477) -> horn (697394)
create implication horn_penetration (84) -> horn_play (471)
create implication horn_penetration (84) -> penetration (882011)
create implication horn_markings (548) -> horn (697394)
create implication horn_markings (548) -> markings (421422)
create implication horn_ring (4967) -> horn_jewelry (6846)
create implication horn_ring (4967) -> ring_(jewelry) (7541)
create implication horned_helmet (617) -> horn (697394)
create implication horned_helmet (617) -> helmet (31424)
create implication horns_touching (22) -> horn (697394)
create implication mismatched_horns (34) -> horn (697394)
create implication ribbed_horn (25) -> horn (697394)
create implication skin-covered_horn (12) -> horn (697394)
create implication spotted_horn (6) -> horn (697394)
create implication spotted_horn (6) -> spots (97790)
create implication striped_horn (1022) -> stripes (181859)
create implication thick_horn (48) -> horn (697394)
create implication thin_horn (2) -> horn (697394)
create implication translucent_horn (56) -> translucent (84340)
create implication translucent_horn (56) -> horn (697394)
create implication veiny_horn (9) -> horn (697394)
create implication veiny_horn (9) -> vein (217988)
create implication coral_horn (2) -> pseudo_horn (397)
create implication coral_horn (2) -> coral (790)
create implication crystal_horn (135) -> pseudo_horn (397)
create implication crystal_horn (135) -> crystal (5488)
create implication energy_horn (1) -> pseudo_horn (397)
create implication energy_horn (1) -> energy (1106)
create implication hair_horn (19) -> pseudo_horn (397)
create implication hair_horn (19) -> hair (1848382)
create implication penis_horn (100) -> pseudo_horn (397)
create implication penis_horn (100) -> penis (1627722)
create implication plant_horn (59) -> pseudo_horn (397)
create implication plant_horn (59) -> plant (340482)
create implication branch_horn (43) -> plant_horn (59)
create implication branch_horn (43) -> branch (3913)
create implication flower_horn (0) -> plant_horn (59)
create implication flower_horn (0) -> flower (66774)
create implication leaf_horn (0) -> plant_horn (59)
create implication leaf_horn (0) -> leaf (24116)
create implication rock_horn (0) -> pseudo_horn (397)
create implication rock_horn (0) -> rock (25692)
create implication tentacle_horn (7) -> pseudo_horn (397)
create implication tentacle_horn (7) -> tentacles (74311)
create implication wooden_horn (30) -> pseudo_horn (397)
create implication wooden_horn (30) -> wood (19676)

Reason: Some additional horn aliases and implications.



Tags For Another BUR

alias tan_horns -> tan_horn
alias beige_horn -> tan_horn
alias beige_horns -> tan_horn

EDIT: The bulk update request #957 (forum #311062) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

Imply ram_horn to horn?


EDIT: currently this BUR includes

create alias sinuous_horn -> curved_horn

Wikipedia isn't much help (sinuous redirects to ),
although the snow photo is somewhat helpful. is better ( says

1 [...] having many curves, bends, or turns; winding:
[example] a sinuous path.

I suggest that maybe sinuous_horn should alias to wavy_horn instead.

wiki wavy tail "... There must be at least two distinct curves to count as a wavy tail. ..."

wiki wavy hair "... The 2nd least curly hair of the 4 types of hair, after straight hair. The waves are bendable, ... and have a definitive S pattern that lays closer to the head."

(not much info at wikis wavy_mane nor wavy_mouth)
