Topic: [Feature] Porn comments as a second category

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

I feel like a lot of the legitimate interaction between artists and their consumers, as well as between other admirers, is lost when you're not allowed to post comments deemed "creepy" by literally whoever is reading it at the time. But it's perfectly valid for other users not to see creepy comments on art if they don't wish to.

So why not do just that? We could make an optional porn-centric comment section that's disabled by default and hidden to users until they enable it on their profile. Everyone's happy.

I'm thinking the best way to implement that is this: When enabled, show the comments section as two tabs. Clicking the NSFW tab changes the color of the comment section (alike to Yotsuba/Yotsuba B) to indicate that you're commenting in the NSFW space.
Here's my mockup:

Of course, NSFW comments may still be moderated for harassment and other non-horny naughty business as usual.

Alternatively, someone with some spare server space can come up with a userscript to add this feature in, so only users with the userscript can see and post porn comments.

No one gains anything besides reddit-tier memes and arguments out of safe comments anyways, and sites like rule34 is literally built on this level of interaction. Let's enhance things a bit.
Who knows? It might even encourage more ad revenue.


aversioncapacitor' said:
No one gains anything besides reddit-tier memes and arguments out of safe comments anyways, and sites like rule34 is literally built on this level of interaction. Let's enhance things a bit.
Who knows? It might even encourage more ad revenue.

How would allowing creepy comments in any shape or form, do any of those things?

aversioncapacitor' said:
I feel like a lot of the legitimate interaction between artists and their consumers, as well as between other admirers, is lost when you're not allowed to post comments deemed "creepy" by literally whoever is reading it at the time.

Some porn artists are astoundingly puritan about the comments they allow on their work in spaces they control, to the extent you'd think they drew sex by mistake. Admittedly they also tend to be the same overgrown tweens who chuck a fit at the very mention of this site because !zomg cub! and/or !zomg misgendering!, but there's still a risk that changing the comment rules would generate takedowns by itself.

Also, if you ever find yourself using Rule34 comments as a positive comparison, you're going the wrong way.

aversioncapacitor' said:
I feel like a lot of the legitimate interaction between artists and their consumers, as well as between other admirers, is lost when you're not allowed to post comments deemed "creepy" by literally whoever is reading it at the time. But it's perfectly valid for other users not to see creepy comments on art if they don't wish to.

I think the big issue here is that artists aren't always active on this site, given that E621 is more so an image board rather than a social website. While it can lead to interaction between the artist and consumers, it's not really optimized for that, which is why it's rarely seen.

So why not do just that? We could make an optional porn-centric comment section that's disabled by default and hidden to users until they enable it on their profile. Everyone's happy.

I'm thinking the best way to implement that is this: When enabled, show the comments section as two tabs. Clicking the NSFW tab changes the color of the comment section (alike to Yotsuba/Yotsuba B) to indicate that you're commenting in the NSFW space.
Here's my mockup:

How will this be sorted? While it would be nice to think that people would know what section it would be okay to comment in, in practice most people who make "creepy" comments aren't usually the most self-aware of persons. If it's moderated by E621 employees, then that would add a significant workload to the whole moderation process, as people would need to sort through every comment section whenever it gets updated to place comments in their respective categories.

No one gains anything besides reddit-tier memes and arguments out of safe comments anyways, and sites like rule34 is literally built on this level of interaction. Let's enhance things a bit.
Who knows? It might even encourage more ad revenue.

You seem to be implying that the only way a comment isn't "creepy" is if it is SFW, which really isn't the case; there are plenty of NSFW comments on this website, the difference between an acceptable and a creepy one depends on the intention of the commenter as well as the way the comment was phrased. Moreover, rule34 comments in general are a pretty low baseline in regards to decency.

wat8548 said:
Some porn artists are astoundingly puritan about the comments they allow on their work in spaces they control, to the extent you'd think they drew sex by mistake. Admittedly they also tend to be the same overgrown tweens who chuck a fit at the very mention of this site because !zomg cub! and/or !zomg misgendering!, but there's still a risk that changing the comment rules would generate takedowns by itself.

IMO there should be a way to give artists like that an option to disable the comment section on their art, that way it can be left up without complaints about comments they deem inappropriate. That should satisfy both the artist and potential moderators having to deal with the problem, at the very least.

Comments aren't always directly about the image. They might be about tags, sources, general questions, general discussion, etc...

Really, I don't understand why its so difficult to not tell people you're horny. People don't go around in real life telling everyone that that fire hydrant makes you want to stick something in your butt. Why does being online change people so much? Granted sometimes you can view it as praise to the artist, but you can already do that by upvoting the image.

I'd much rather have staff spent their time maintaining the tagging system than managing comments. People come here for the tags, not the comments. There are plenty of other imageboards which allow any type of comment, go comment on those.

The dual view comment system would be difficult to use. People would make non-NSFW replies to NSFW comments and people wanting to read both would have to made additional clicks. If the comments were to be expanded, which I don't recommend, we should go all the way and use a threaded or tree-based system. Threads can be auto-hidden based on keywords or votes for those who enjoy censorship, similar to how the blacklist system works.


aversioncapacitor' said:
Increased user engagement on posts. Simple as

I honestly prefer less engagement than having comments like " I want Spyro's enormous and delicious penis in all my available holes until my entire body gets filled with suculent dragon cum to the point all the fluids leaks from my mouth just like the plushies I have"

I see zero value in your typical creepy horny comment honestly. I don't understand what it is that causes someone to post about how horny they are as if anyone cares. Is it the same impulse that causes people to send dickpics to strangers, or are the origins in a different incomprehensible drive?

If you want to make comments like that, here's what you do. You write it out in notepad or some other text editor. Make it as raunchy and lewd as you want. And then you click "close without saving". There you go. You get to make whatever lewd comment you want and no one else has to be involved. Or, maybe start a journal. "Dear diary, today I saw a picture of Renamon with a magnificent shlong, and I removed my trousers forthwith!".

mrox said:
People don't go around in real life telling everyone that that fire hydrant makes you want to stick something in your butt. Why does being online change people so much?

clawdragons said:
I don't understand what it is that causes someone to post about how horny they are as if anyone cares. Is it the same impulse that causes people to send dickpics to strangers, or are the origins in a different incomprehensible drive?

Something that can help understanding is proper framing. It's not like they're going up to the Mona Lisa in a high class museum and saying how much they want to fuck her, or walking up to a stranger who's just walking their dog and saying how much they want cock. There's a group of people all looking at the same picture of hyper-sexualized characters rubbing their junk together with gallons of splooge everywhere, something designed at least in part to make you horny and help you get off, and talking about the picture in an accepting and positive way. It shouldn't be a surprise that some people want to express something sexual on an image designed to be sexual, particularly when there are artists that like to know the porn they make is having the desired effect. Sometimes people do actually care.

But that said, a small measure of restraint can go a long way, and that's where the contention mainly lies. Different people have different comfort zones, and the main dividing line here is when it gets personal. It's perfectly fine to say a character's cock looks great, or that dragon pussy looks way better than human pussy. It's good to know I'm not alone in having similar thoughts. However, when you say you want that character's cock in your ass, that crosses into the territory of making others think about you, as a real person, and your ass. Or that if some image made you cum so hard, it makes others think about you, as a real person, ejaculating. It's no longer about the images and the fantasies we indulge in here, but about the real you, and I don't want mental images of some random internet person's ass or ejaculate.

I can see why the distinction may be vague to some people, particularly for furries who have a tendency to portray themselves as a character and may not realize others can be looking at them as a real person instead of their fursona. But it's an important factor in ensuring a more comfortable experience for many people.

watsit said:

Yeah, for the record, I don't consider those sorts of comments creepy, and think they are a reasonable expectation with lewd art. My problem is exactly what you said - the people who make it about them, their bodies and actions. I totally understand why someone would talk about the art itself, including sexual aspects.

I have, myself, made comments like that. One of my top rated comments is talking about thrusting speeds in an animation. The part I don't understand is the impulse people have to make it about themselves.

clawdragons said:
I see zero value in your typical creepy horny comment honestly. I don't understand what it is that causes someone to post about how horny they are as if anyone cares. Is it the same impulse that causes people to send dickpics to strangers, or are the origins in a different incomprehensible drive?

I suspect it's like flashing. Part of the attraction is the discomfort they're causing, both to others and themselves. It could be compared to the thrill of voyeurism, seeing things you know you're not supposed to sneak peeks of, except you're the object being viewed instead of the voyeur.

Personally, I don't think the suggestion is going to work. The creepy commenters will continue posting to the public comments because they want to share their comments with others. A secondary, limited view comment section would be no fun for them.

clawstripe said:
I suspect it's like flashing. Part of the attraction is the discomfort they're causing, both to others and themselves. It could be compared to the thrill of voyeurism, seeing things you know you're not supposed to sneak peeks of, except you're the object being viewed instead of the voyeur.

Personally, I don't think the suggestion is going to work. The creepy commenters will continue posting to the public comments because they want to share their comments with others. A secondary, limited view comment section would be no fun for them.

Why would you assume this is the case, that creepy commenters are basically narcissistic? The whole point of the suggestion is to discuss the art with like minded people outside of the eyes of the people who don't wish to see it.

blitzdrachin said:
I honestly prefer less engagement than having comments like " I want Spyro's enormous and delicious penis in all my available holes until my entire body gets filled with suculent dragon cum to the point all the fluids leaks from my mouth just like the plushies I have"

Then don't enable the option?

edit: lmfao


blitzdrachin said:
I honestly prefer less engagement than having comments like " I want Spyro's enormous and delicious penis in all my available holes until my entire body gets filled with suculent dragon cum to the point all the fluids leaks from my mouth just like the plushies I have"

I want to Rainbow inside Cum Dash.

Before proposing a new function like this, you gotta first ask the question "how are people going to mess this up?" For example, like what Clawstripe said, there's the outcome of creepy commenters posting in the SFW section. It will happen occasionally and then that brings it to my next point, enforcement. If e6 staff adopts this new function, the Creepy Comment rule is most likely gonna need to be changed or result in a new rule entirely. I can already see folks complaining about getting hit with a neutral/negative for being creepy and then retort "Isn't that what the NSFW section is for??", which is why I agree with Binagon's points.

To be honest, this just sounds like it will clutter up the comment section too much only for the sole purpose of allowing creepy comments, instead of benefitting the site. I personally don't think it's a bad idea on paper but the results will differ in execution, and the negatives are currently outweighing the positives. This would be a good function on more interactive-focused sites like FA

Then don't enable the option?

Nah, its easier have common sense and not be a creep/cumbrain. You have more cringy sites for that.
Also that it can be easily abused to break other rules by including " haha yes nsfw comments".

I don't really understand why some people feel the urgent need to announce about what they feel between their legs on places that just don't allow it, just DM a twitter RP account, they are a plague.

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