Topic: Tag Alias: gray_scales -> grey_scales

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Always with the lack of reasoning, parasprite...

Gray is the American localization of the word, while Grey is the standard use everywhere else, and even in a lot of Americans' vocabulary.

Updated by anonymous

It's funny, normally we favor the american spellings and terms (just because we had to pick something to be the standard and the headquarters for e621 is in America, so that's what was picked.) But with grey vs gray, we went with the "e" version. Almost all of them have been done this way, and it's so minor it's probably best to just keep doing it, but ....I've just always found that kind of funny.

Approved though. And I'll catch the other few instances of this type of thing (like gray_nose ) while I'm at it. There's just a few stragglers in a handful of tag like this, so might as well catch them to prevent poor lost images. =)

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
It's funny, normally we favor the american spellings and terms (just because we had to pick something to be the standard and the headquarters for e621 is in America, so that's what was picked.) But with grey vs gray, we went with the "e" version. Almost all of them have been done this way, and it's so minor it's probably best to just keep doing it, but ....I've just always found that kind of funny.

Alright, I'll keep that in mind if we encounter any America vs Europe tags in the future. Kind of funny, that I'm an American and usually use American terms, but I use "Grey" instead of "Gray."

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Alright, I'll keep that in mind if we encounter any America vs Europe tags in the future. Kind of funny, that I'm an American and usually use American terms, but I use "Grey" instead of "Gray."

From what I've gathered, both gray and grey are used in America about equally (same with whisky and whiskey). I would imagine that most people wouldn't even notice, assuming they just couldn't remember which one was right.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I would imagine that most people wouldn't even notice, assuming they just couldn't remember which one was right.

Yeah, that'd be me :P

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
whisky and whiskey

Augh that first one looks WRONG. Who in their right mind leaves out the E?!

Updated by anonymous

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