Topic: glutamate - an e621/e926 mobile app

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

hi all! long time e621 lurker here - i just wanted to show you all this app i made while i was trying to learn some mobile app development! it's a little rough around the edges still, but i wanted to release it so i could get some feedback/suggestions on how to improve it further!

it's called glutamate!

you can download it here:

Features (copied from the GitHub release)
  • Justified image layout with full-size images (when on a suitable connection)
  • Support for video-type files (.mp4 and .webm) via the Chewie video player
  • Comment views on all e621/e926 posts
  • Pool scrolling from any post within a pool
  • Advanced search query builder using standard e621/e926 tags
  • Site switching between e621/e926
  • Query saving to get refreshable results when opening glutamate
  • Themes (more to be added later, currently contains one actual theme based on the e621 color scheme, and Hot Dog)

hope you all enjoy!

(please, please message me if this app is misusing the e621 API/servers! thanks!)