Topic: [REJECTED] Tag implication: snake -> serpentine

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

vulkalu said:
Considering anthro snakes are a thing, that implication doesn't really work.

Wouldn't an anthro snake still count as serpentine, like an anthro horse still counts as equine?

watsit said:
Wouldn't an anthro snake still count as serpentine, like an anthro horse still counts as equine?

Serpentine is about the body shape. Long, flexible, like a noodle. An anthro snake with a very humanoid body, would not count as serpentine. A headshot of a snake, even a feral one, also does not count as serpentine, as per the wiki.

Considering that serpentine means "like or pertaining to snakes", it would be a valid synonym, even if said snake comes with two or four limbs as is so common among furry art.

However, while a horse is an equine, so is a donkey and a zebra, thus making equine a useful umbrella tag for them. On the other hand, the only things under serpentine would be snakes. Horse (a type of equine) is to equine as adder (a type of snake) is to serpentine. Since snake already does the job well enough as the umbrella tag, serpentine would arguably be redundant.

vulkalu said:
Serpentine is about the body shape. Long, flexible, like a noodle. An anthro snake with a very humanoid body, would not count as serpentine. A headshot of a snake, even a feral one, also does not count as serpentine, as per the wiki.

But those limbed anthro snakes would still be tagged as serpentine if this implication were accepted, thus causing mistags according to the wiki.

vulkalu said:
Serpentine is about the body shape. Long, flexible, like a noodle. An anthro snake with a very humanoid body, would not count as serpentine.

Fair enough, although a quick look through the tag suggests it's used for 'snake-like', too:
post #2806272 post #2800463 post #2793141 post #2784833

It also seems draconcopode implicates it, which is implicated by lamia and naga, so characters who are those species but where you only see an anthro or humanoid upper body would still be tagged as serpentine.

clawstripe said:
On the other hand, the only things under serpentine would be snakes.

Eastern dragons would count, too. As would Giratina and Zygarde (ironically not tagged serpentine, but used as an example of such in the wiki..).

watsit said:
It also seems draconcopode implicates it, which is implicated by lamia and naga, so characters who are those species but where you only see an anthro or humanoid upper body would still be tagged as serpentine.

In which case, I can see this being similar to equine after all in that it's used as an umbrella tag for snake-like characters, much as equine is used for horses, donkeys, and zebras. So, that counters my first post here.

Eastern dragons would count, too. As would Giratina and Zygarde (ironically not tagged serpentine, but used as an example of such in the wiki..).

And guivres, feathered serpents, amphibaena, caecilians, legless salamanders, Dratinis, Dragonaires, eels, and legless lizards.

Is serpentine being used for a particular body type or for any snake? If the former, then implying snake to it would be inappropriate as there's so many anthro snakes that would be tagged as snake but shouldn't be tagged as serpentine. If the latter, then the implication would be appropriate for snakes, but not for dragons or any of the creatures I mentioned above. We need to define exactly what we mean by serpentine first so it can be applied consistently.

watsit said:
Fair enough, although a quick look through the tag suggests it's used for 'snake-like', too:
post #2806272 post #2800463 post #2793141 post #2784833

It also seems draconcopode implicates it, which is implicated by lamia and naga, so characters who are those species but where you only see an anthro or humanoid upper body would still be tagged as serpentine.

Those mis-tags (in regards to your first point) are likely because a lot of people don't read the wikis and just assume "serpentine relates to snakes, therefore it applies." If there was a better name for the tag, that would probably help in these cases, but I'm unsure of what else it could be called.

For your second point... I was under the impression that the only way lamia or naga could be applied to the picture is if you could actually see both "halves" of the body. Otherwise TWYS would dictate those are just either anthro, or some form of humanoid. If I recall correctly, that was the reasoning behind that implication in the first place.


clawstripe said:
Is serpentine being used for a particular body type or for any snake? If the former, then implying snake to it would be inappropriate as there's so many anthro snakes that would be tagged as snake but shouldn't be tagged as serpentine. If the latter, then the implication would be appropriate for snakes, but not for dragons or any of the creatures I mentioned above. We need to define exactly what we mean by serpentine first so it can be applied consistently.

We seem to've replied around the same time. But to answer: the wiki has been defined (seemingly for years now) to apply specifically to the body type. Slapping it on any snake goes against its wiki. So unless you're asking if the wiki should suddenly be changed, that would be the answer. Anything else is a mistag and needs to be cleaned out, much like other tags that need regular cleaning.


vulkalu said:
We seem to've replied around the same time. But to answer: the wiki has been defined (seemingly for years now) to apply specifically to the body type. Slapping it on any snake goes against its wiki. So unless you're asking if the wiki should suddenly be changed, that would be the answer. Anything else is a mistag and needs to be cleaned out, much like other tags that need regular cleaning.

Sounds fine to me. Then this thread's implication would be inappropriate.

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