Topic: Getting People to Actually use the Blacklist Feature

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

There should be a pop-up on the site that ask you to potentially add a tag to your blacklist before you can click on the downvote option again. This is just a suggestion to fight spam downvoting that I have personally seen increasing since the beginning of the year.

One thing I have asked previously is to have the blacklist at the same place where it is before registering account, which is top panel on pages under posts section.

mairo said:
One thing I have asked previously is to have the blacklist at the same place where it is before registering account, which is top panel on pages under posts section.

Soon. Soon.

bigredbear said:
There should be a pop-up on the site that ask you to potentially add a tag to your blacklist before you can click on the downvote option again. This is just a suggestion to fight spam downvoting that I have personally seen increasing since the beginning of the year.

Downvoting something does not necessarily mean you want to blacklist. I've downvoted characters I like because it was a poor picture


bigredbear said:
There should be a pop-up on the site that ask you to potentially add a tag to your blacklist before you can click on the downvote option again. This is just a suggestion to fight spam downvoting that I have personally seen increasing since the beginning of the year.

Making it harder for users to downvote images they don't like is a slippery slope to just removing downvotes altogether, something others have proposed.

The rules aren't too clear on what would constitute "spam downvoting". Except that you should not use alt accounts to vote on posts or comments more than once.

If your favorite fetishes are always getting heavily downvoted, just ignore it. For sorting purposes, you might want to use order:favcount instead of order:score.

lance_armstrong said:
The rules aren't too clear on what would constitute "spam downvoting". Except that you should not use alt accounts to vote on posts or comments more than once.

I believe administration also takes action if someone's going out of their way to downvote all of an artist or user's posts (justified through harassment rules)
But as I've said in a previous thread, I don't think there are any rules on voting otherwise; score is whatever the users collectively make it.

When these threads pop up there's almost always an Inciting Incident, and this one doesn't disappoint. Though it's hard to tell how much is the gore art, how much is the artist's specialisation in gore, how much is people disliking either the comic as a whole, or just the artist's style.

post #2814586 (SFW lineart) has 1 up/3 down
post #2814610 (NSFW lined comic) has 7 up/3 down
post #2831174 (Questionable, lined and coloured) has 6 up/1 down

The userbase is clearly already on-the-fence regarding this artist without the gore art. Having Mairo as an approver will forever be both a blessing and a curse

bigredbear said:
There should be a pop-up on the site that ask you to potentially add a tag to your blacklist before you can click on the downvote option again.

Hypothetically, how would the site code identify which tag is relevant to the downvoting? If we're we're going by frequently-blacklisted tags, are people going to be asked if they want to blacklist female if they downvoted five straight posts because they didn't like the art quality?


magnuseffect said:
Hypothetically, how would the site code identify which tag is relevant to the downvoting? If we're we're going by frequently-blacklisted tags, are people going to be asked if they want to blacklist female if they downvoted five straight posts because they didn't like the art quality?

Obviously this was a kneejerk post, but I like to think that OP was proposing some form of machine learning categorisation system with one instance for every registered user.

I've also noticed an increase in downvotes on anything besides vanilla anthro. If you spend some time on recent posts, you see posts featuring some really great art start at -5 (which usually goes up to positive over the next few days) for no obvious reason. I wonder if there's some downvote bots downvoting new posts or something to manipulate order:score? The whole downvote system seems somewhat flawed honestly as it currently acts as a form of indirect kinkshaming combined with an indirect blacklist for people using order:score, with anything featuring a niche/out there/extreme fetish having low or negative scores. I dunno, I feel like a score system should be used by the target audience and not people that have no interest in the content/tags featured. They will obviously not enjoy it, and blacklists rely on people not being lazy. I as a vegetarian would never leave a negative review on a steakhouse out of spite, I simply know to not go and eat there since I'm not the intended customer base.

I think the best way to make people use the blacklist more frequently is to either remove the upvote/downvote system for posts or adding a one click blacklist feature next to specific tags on a post (so that it takes the same amount of effort to blacklist something as it does to downvote something, there's already include/exclude but a blacklist function would be cool). Currently posts with "controversial" tags get filtered out of order:score (which makes order:score unreliable if not worthless for people that like said controversial tags sine those posts gets grouped with low quality posts, political content etc), meaning people don't see them enough to want to utilize the blacklist since a simple downvote will suffice, further enabling the issue mentioned previously.

Sorry for necroing, found this post through google after being frustrated with seeing good art and even certain artists heavily downvoted.

P.s. Does anyone know if it's possible to hide post scores like you can hide comments?


daisychained said:
P.s. Does anyone know if it's possible to hide post scores like you can hide comments?

Go to your Settings. Go to Advanced. Add this to the custom CSS.

.image-vote-buttons, .post-score {display:none}

Here's a different one that let's you see it if you hover over it:

.image-vote-buttons, li .post-score {opacity:0}
.image-vote-buttons:hover, li:hover .post-score {opacity:1}

For the search pages:

.desc .post-score-score {display:none}

Hide negative scores only:

.desc .score-negative {display:none}

All together now:

/* Hide post scores */
.image-vote-buttons, .post-score {display:none}

/* Hide thumbnail scores */
.desc .score-negative {display:none}


magnuseffect said:
Hypothetically, how would the site code identify which tag is relevant to the downvoting? If we're we're going by frequently-blacklisted tags, are people going to be asked if they want to blacklist female if they downvoted five straight posts because they didn't like the art quality?

You wouldn't need a personalised message, just a little tooltip or text box that appears when you downvote that says something along the lines of "Don't forget, if there's content or themes in this image that you would rather not see, you can add the relevant tags to your blacklist".

daisychained said:
I've also noticed an increase in downvotes on anything besides vanilla anthro. If you spend some time on recent posts, you see posts featuring some really great art start at -5 (which usually goes up to positive over the next few days) for no obvious reason. I wonder if there's some downvote bots downvoting new posts or something to manipulate order:score?

I've noticed that new posts with "niche" content tend to get more downvotes early on, but there's nothing shady going on. When a post is first uploaded it'll appear on the front page, so anyone browsing all posts can see it and vote on it, so naturally posts that don't have universal furry appeal will attract more downvotes. After it's been up a while and it's left the first few pages of new posts, almost of its views will come from people who are actively searching for one of the niche tags, so it'll get more upvotes.

jockjamdoorslam said:
You wouldn't need a personalised message, just a little tooltip or text box that appears when you downvote that says something along the lines of "Don't forget, if there's content or themes in this image that you would rather not see, you can add the relevant tags to your blacklist".

Despite my poor wording I'm mostly talking about the trigger. What's going to set it off?


lance_armstrong said:
Making it harder for users to downvote images they don't like is a slippery slope to just removing downvotes altogether, something others have proposed.

The rules aren't too clear on what would constitute "spam downvoting". Except that you should not use alt accounts to vote on posts or comments more than once.

If your favorite fetishes are always getting heavily downvoted, just ignore it. For sorting purposes, you might want to use order:favcount instead of order:score.

What if it was something like a once a day or even once a week popup?

magnuseffect said:
Hypothetically, how would the site code identify which tag is relevant to the downvoting? If we're we're going by frequently-blacklisted tags, are people going to be asked if they want to blacklist female if they downvoted five straight posts because they didn't like the art quality?

Doesn't need to. All the popup has to say is "Are you sure you want to donvote this? Consider using your blacklist if it's content or an artist you dislike."

magnuseffect said:
Despite my poor wording I'm mostly talking about the trigger. What's going to set it off?

Instead of "First downvote" in however much time, it could certainly be something like five downvotes within an hour.

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