Topic: The worst pick-up lines ever

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The worst one I heard was while at Fort Lee, Virginia, just off post in South Park.

Guy came up to a girl next to me and said "Are you Rastafarian? 'Cause you Jamaican me crazy!"

Yea, did not know whether to laugh or feel ashamed to also have a penis...

Updated by anonymous

Most blatant... "nice shoes, wanna fuck?" He didnt get another word off.

And one I actually laughed over "excuse me, do you have any irish in you?"

"umm... No I dont"

"would you like to?"

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"If I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes."


"If I were a Shwann cell, I'd squeeze around your axon and give you a fast action potential."

Updated by anonymous

the worst pick-up lines are the creepy ones

"Where have you been all my life?"

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I was at the pool with my friend (who was slightly very drunk)
And he said to a girl "Are your parents bakers? Cause those buns look awesome"
He was pushed backwards into the big pool.

Updated by anonymous

Kclub said:
"If I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes."


"If I were a Shwann cell, I'd squeeze around your axon and give you a fast action potential."

Honestly? If someone said those to me they'd already have a good gate in.

Updated by anonymous

All of Barbados' posts remind me of insanely creepy pickup lines. :I

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
I was at the pool with my friend (who was slightly very drunk)
And he said to a girl "Are your parents bakers? Cause those buns look awesome"
He was pushed backwards into the big pool.

For being drunk, that was pretty good

Updated by anonymous

Let's make our own alphabet. Instead of starting with ABC, let's start with HIV

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"Hey girl, did you fall from heaven? That would explain how you messed up your face."

"I wanna be your Krakatoa, let my lava flow all over you."

Updated by anonymous

"Is he in jail?, the man who stole the stars and put them in your eyes"

"Are you a parking ticket, cause you got fine written all over you"

"I put the STD in STUD, all i need is U"


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"Hi. My name is Pogo. Want to jump on my stick?"

"I can't find my puppy. Can you help me find him? I think he went into this cheap hotel room..."

"I lost my number. Can I borrow yours?"

Updated by anonymous

Kclub said:
"If I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes."


"If I were a Shwann cell, I'd squeeze around your axon and give you a fast action potential."

Real panty dropper there, No lie. Someone say that to me I guarantee second base if I can resisist taking off my pants.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
post #194602

No fair, I've sung that song to my girl when we first starting dating and she loved it. We both like jack black

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You can do it like this guy and claim to have a heart condition that will kill you if you don't get sex NAO.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
You can do it like this guy and claim to have a heart condition that will kill you if you don't get sex NAO.

lol epic

Updated by anonymous

random wannabe pickup artist says to a girl:

"I put the STD in STUD, all i need is U"


Updated by anonymous

The worst i can think of is "Are you from Heaven? Because I've always wanted to fuck an angel." That's pretty bad.

Updated by anonymous

What’s wrong? You’re looking a little sad and gloomy. What you need is some vitamin me!

Updated by anonymous

Rusteee said:

That's a pick-up line??? That sounds like rape to me XD

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You must play the harp cause you look like an angel. You say that and your not getting laid anytime soon

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"Your father must have been a thief, because I saw him shoplifting from K-Mart."

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Supervisor said:
You smashed a 7,000 dollar Telxon in a compactor

Seriously how rude of him to come onto me like that

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Your mother must have been a baker cuz she made some nice buns on you! Hi im butter...

I about peed myself laughing which stiffled the urge to tell him off. He got the hint anyway.

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
Seriously how rude of him to come onto me like that

You should have unzipped his pants and made like you were gonna do it, but then walked away telling him he needs to be bigger, like his father.

Updated by anonymous

If I were a squirrel and you were a squirrel, would you let me bust a nut in your hole?

Updated by anonymous

Wolfboy1206 said:
If I were a squirrel and you were a squirrel, would you let me bust a nut in your hole?

^ lol ^


Hey sexy lady!! I'm gona ride you... GANGNAM STYLE!!!

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
"Your father must have been a thief, because I saw him shoplifting from K-Mart."

Wolfboy1206 said:
If I were a squirrel and you were a squirrel, would you let me bust a nut in your hole?

Young'uns these days, huh? Teenage males specifically.

Updated by anonymous

If i was a squirrel and you were a tree would you let put my nuts in your hole

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"The human body is made of 206 bones. Do you have room for one more?"

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IndigoHeat said:
"The human body is made of 206 bones. Do you have room for one more?"

Lol that was somewhat clever

Updated by anonymous

"Since you don't got a dick, want to suck mine?"

Updated by anonymous

"Why is there starw ont he ground?"

"Why are you wearing a mask?"

"Well, why not suck my dick?"

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
(for old people) Wanna break a hip?

That's actually kind of a good one.

Updated by anonymous

(for crazy people) *opens car trunk* There, now you don't have to worry about if I have a bone saw or not.

Updated by anonymous

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