The tag alias #52382 elastration -> banding has been approved.
Reason: Different name for the same thing. Don't need two.
EDIT: The tag alias elastration -> banding (forum #313667) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.
Updated by auto moderator
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
The tag alias #52382 elastration -> banding has been approved.
Reason: Different name for the same thing. Don't need two.
EDIT: The tag alias elastration -> banding (forum #313667) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.
Updated by auto moderator
sinshadowfox said:
Banding is more widely known for . . . that . . . than elastration
Possibly, though it appears that banding refers to any kind of constriction involving elastic bands, which can have other uses, such as in first aid. Elastration seems to refer specifically to castration via banding. I just prefer to use more precise terms whenever possible; that’s all.
As for the popularity of these terms, both elastration and banding have about 30 results each, give or take a few, so it doesn’t seem obvious to me that one is actually more commonly used for this particular fetish than the other. Regardless, this site often uses more precise but less popular terms for all sorts of things, which isn’t a problem since if you try to search for the more popular term, if it’s aliased to the proper term, you’ll still get the correct results.
Banding can refer to penile banding as well. This isnt really super cut and dry.
Demesejha said:
Banding can refer to penile banding as well. This isnt really super cut and dry.
That is what "...that..." was referring to. Commonly banding means the banding of either penis or testicles though more commonly the penis.
scaliespe said:
Possibly, though it appears that banding refers to any kind of constriction involving elastic bands, which can have other uses, such as in first aid. Elastration seems to refer specifically to castration via banding. I just prefer to use more precise terms whenever possible; that’s all.As for the popularity of these terms, both elastration and banding have about 30 results each, give or take a few, so it doesn’t seem obvious to me that one is actually more commonly used for this particular fetish than the other. Regardless, this site often uses more precise but less popular terms for all sorts of things, which isn’t a problem since if you try to search for the more popular term, if it’s aliased to the proper term, you’ll still get the correct results.
Well at the end of the day it's the mods decision which will trump the other not mine so *shrug*. As long as they get aliased i don't really care which one gets top billing.
There's also color banding, where a smooth color gradient is turned into harsh steps. Often a result of compression artifacts, but can also be caused by limited colors, or sometimes done purposely as an aesthetic choice.
watsit said:
There's also color banding, where a smooth color gradient is turned into harsh steps. Often a result of compression artifacts, but can also be caused by limited colors, or sometimes done purposely as an aesthetic choice.
I was going to mention this as well, though there are only two results for color_banding, and none for posterization, which is another name for the same thing. Though I imagine this could be a meta tag, as I have seen art with deliberate color banding before. [/offtopic]
demesejha said:
Banding can refer to penile banding as well. This isnt really super cut and dry.
Right. So maybe we ought to set up a hierarchy of tags here. I considered proposing this earlier, but this seems like such a rarely used topic that I debated with myself whether it was worth doing or not. However, if it helps people find and organize their particular fetishes more easily, I guess it could be useful. So here’s what I propose:
Elastration: banding of the testes > implicates banding and castration
Penile banding: banding of the penis > implicates banding and penile, possibly also penectomy as I assume the entire point of this kind of banding is either for fetish-related near-penectomy or actual penectomy.
Banding: constriction via an elastic band > implicates constriction (though constriction is unfortunately aliased to coiling, which refers exclusively to the constricting action of snakes or tentacled creatures… so for this to work, the implication would have to be removed, and both banding and coiling would probably implicate constriction instead. Or, we just leave this implication out entirely.)
Yeah that would work really well.
I would disambiguate banding, since it can refer to a form of physical constriction, or less-than-smooth color/value gradation. Not sure how relevant it would be to art, but there's also rubber-banding, a term used to give racers lagging behind an unfair boost to catch up to the front.
Watsit said:
I would disambiguate banding, since it can refer to a form of physical constriction, or less-than-smooth color/value gradation. Not sure how relevant it would be to art, but there's also rubber-banding, a term used to give racers lagging behind an unfair boost to catch up to the front.
But that's rubber banding not banding
scaliespe said:
Right. So maybe we ought to set up a hierarchy of tags here. I considered proposing this earlier, but this seems like such a rarely used topic that I debated with myself whether it was worth doing or not. However, if it helps people find and organize their particular fetishes more easily, I guess it could be useful. So here’s what I propose:Elastration: banding of the testes > implicates banding and castration
Penile banding: banding of the penis > implicates banding and penile, possibly also penectomy as I assume the entire point of this kind of banding is either for fetish-related near-penectomy or actual penectomy.
Banding: constriction via an elastic band > implicates constriction (though constriction is unfortunately aliased to coiling, which refers exclusively to the constricting action of snakes or tentacled creatures… so for this to work, the implication would have to be removed, and both banding and coiling would probably implicate constriction instead. Or, we just leave this implication out entirely.)
Actually there are a few reasons to band the penis that don't relate to penectomy or penectomy play. Some people find being temporarily numb arousing while others like the idea of being numb permanently as a form of chastity/denial. IRL banding is rarely used for genital removal in humans.
Also yeah i don't think banding should imply constriction in this case.
sinshadowfox said:
Actually there are a few reasons to band the penis that don't relate to penectomy or penectomy play. Some people find being temporarily numb arousing while others like the idea of being numb permanently as a form of chastity/denial. IRL banding is rarely used for genital removal in humans.Also yeah i don't think banding should imply constriction in this case.
I would argue that the numbness is the first step in the process of penectomy, which would make it qualify for a form of penectomy play. If you look through the banding tag, you’ll see quite a few examples of either implied or completed penectomy.
That numbing is also caused by constriction, which is why I think the constriction tag may still be relevant here, though I may agree to forget about that since we’d have to re-alias everything regarding coiling.
scaliespe said:
though I may agree to forget about that since we’d have to re-alias everything regarding coiling.
Also numbing AS a form of penectomy? Like chemical castration? . . . huh never thought about it like that. But temporary banding can be recovered from so . . . would permanent banding be penectomy but temporary banding not be?
Unless you want to make temporary penectomy a thing XD
Yeah, I think it is similar to chemical castration in the sense that it is ultimately rendering the body part useless. Whether permanently or not is probably not important, since I think temporary banding would qualify as “penectomy play” instead of a real penectomy, in a very similar manner to how breath_play doesn’t involve suffocating someone to death… only temporarily for fetishistic purposes. I suppose you could think of it as a temporary penectomy, or an incomplete penectomy, as long as it doesn’t go past the point of no return. At least as far as tagging is concerned, that might be the easiest way to go about it… otherwise we’d have to have a bunch of tags for things like “temporary penectomy” or “permanent banding” or whatever.
scaliespe said:
Yeah, I think it is similar to chemical castration in the sense that it is ultimately rendering the body part useless. Whether permanently or not is probably not important, since I think temporary banding would qualify as “penectomy play” instead of a real penectomy, in a very similar manner to how breath_play doesn’t involve suffocating someone to death… only temporarily for fetishistic purposes. I suppose you could think of it as a temporary penectomy, or an incomplete penectomy, as long as it doesn’t go past the point of no return. At least as far as tagging is concerned, that might be the easiest way to go about it… otherwise we’d have to have a bunch of tags for things like “temporary penectomy” or “permanent banding” or whatever.
hmmm good point.
I mean, we could, but that just seems like too many tags for such an uncommon thing. x)
scaliespe said:
I mean, we could, but that just seems like too many tags for such an uncommon thing. x)
yeah best not to give the mods too much work to do lol
The bulk update request #1114 is pending approval.
create implication elastration (0) -> banding (113)
create implication elastration (0) -> castration (935)
create implication penile_banding (7) -> banding (113)
create implication penile_banding (7) -> penile (647329)
create implication penile_banding (7) -> penectomy (456)
Reason: Elastration is the process of castration by placing an elastic band around the scrotum. Source:
(Note: the term also applies to a form of tail docking, however, given that there are no tag results for tail_docking, and none of the current results for elastration depict tail docking, I think the castration implication is acceptable in this case. We may want to clarify in the wiki page that this tag is not to be used for tail docking, just in case.)
Banding is a medical or veterinary procedure involving the use of an elastic band to constrict blood flow to a particular part of the body. Source:
Penile banding is banding of the penis, which would ultimately result in penectomy.
These are three related yet distinct concepts, and the current usage of these tags is not very orderly.
It is also worth noting that the penile_banding tag is not currently in use, and examples of penile banding on the site currently use only the banding tag. I may try to clean up these posts myself soon though, as there aren’t many.
The tag alias elastration -> banding (forum #313667) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.
Only one upvote... :/
scaliespe said:
The bulk update request #1114 is pending approval.create implication elastration (0) -> banding (113)
create implication elastration (0) -> castration (935)
create implication penile_banding (7) -> banding (113)
create implication penile_banding (7) -> penile (647329)
create implication penile_banding (7) -> penectomy (456)
Ehhhhh… the above alias being approved interferes with this BUR.
scaliespe said:
Ehhhhh… the above alias being approved interferes with this BUR.
Might need to revert it?
alphamule said:
Might need to revert it?
My BUR only has two votes on it, so it’s hard to gauge if that’s what everyone wants or not (but to be fair, I imagine most people don’t care about the banding and castration tags… I certainly don’t, and I wrote the BUR). But yes, if my BUR is to be approved, the above alias will have to be undone.