Topic: Is Staghart (Amp) of Gargoyles a peryton in TWYS?

Posted under General

Simply put, should Staghart be tagged peryton or is that something more specific?

I recently ran across artwork featuring Lexington and Staghart of Gargoyles, which led me to searching for fan art since there really doesn't seem to be much at first glance.

This led me to this fan art, and the artist's tags introduced me to the species "peryton."

Searching up on the subject I saw another post saying it was a fairly recent term invited by one man? Thinking at first it was a catch all term for winged deer I started to tag the rather short list of submissions featuring Staghart, but then I read the tag description and I see it may be a bit more specific? Searching up on it also found a higher quality source, oops.

I hope this is the right way to ask this.


Actually, I think he's more of a white stag than a peryton (carnivorous winged stag-fronted, bird-reared hybrids that cast a human shadow, at least until it ate a human). In medieval lore, the white stag was a magical denizen of the dangerous and wild forests of antiquity (as compared to the civilized and tamed lands humans had modified and felt safer in) who served as a sort of guardian and herald for those deemed worthy. Considering that the appearances of the London Clan of gargoyles were based on various heraldic beasts, it's likely the white stag connection is more appropriate than that of a peryton.

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