Topic: [Feature] Frequent tags - Presets / Custom Presets

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.
Frequent tags settings should've an option to create presets, which would help to organize our frequent tags better. The user would be able to make presets and alternate between them whenever needed. We would also be able to change the presets on the fly on the quick tags section while editing tags on a post.

Why would it be useful?
Well we could make different tags presets and alternate between them, which would help with cluttering on the quick tags, to organize them, to add and remember more obscure tags or to make specialized frequent tags presets like a specialized shiny/ bulge preset with only glistening + *_outline or a specialized body preset countershade_* striped_* piebald_* mottled_* and even a specialized nature preset nature daisy_(flower) flower roses rocks moss grass trees pine_trees ambient_*.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

  • The users advanced settings page.
    • There would be a plus sign on the frequent tags field that would make a new preset. Naming/ renaming would be a bonus, we just need a way to differentiate between them while alternating on quick tags. I don't know what would be the limit maybe 5 for normal members and giving more for privileged+ members?
  • Quick tags while uploading / editing posts.
    • On the quick tags section there would be an way to alternate between our presets. I think the best way would be like the way we choose a set to add a post or choose a category when posting a topic.

Rough mockup: (Sorry for the bad resolution).


You appear to have forgotten to mention what it is these "presets" actually do. Are they search bookmarks? Permanent additions to the "recently used tags" section when editing?

wat8548 said:
You appear to have forgotten to mention what it is these "presets" actually do. Are they search bookmarks? Permanent additions to the "recently used tags" section when editing?

Here I've made a rough mockup of how I visualize it:

Also sorry for the bad resolution, but I think you can get the idea of what I mean, hopefully. (;-⠀⠀;

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