Topic: [REJECTED] Tag implication: helium_tank -> helium

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

There's not a lot of posts in either of those tags, and helium's wiki even asks if you meant one of 3 other tags. Also, how would you determine that the gas is helium by TWYS, and not some other sort of gas?

Perhaps helium should be moved to the invalid tag category instead.

A container probably should not imply contents, given even a tank labelled Helium, as above, may be used to hold another gas... or simply be empty outright. It would be like making drinkware imply water.

"How would you know if the Helium was there or not? You wouldn't, therefore the helium would be there and not there at the same time. That's until you opened the helium container and checked yourself." - Schrodinger's Helium Container

Bad jokes aside. This implication doesn't seem to be a good idea, as stated by Siral Exam and VotP. Because we can't really know for sure if there's helium on a container or in the case of the gas being visually depicted we also won't be able to pinpoint if it's helium or some other gas. Maybe on animations it would be easier to identify? I dunno, but I'll let my contribution to this topic. I just hope I didn't said gibberish. ;-;

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