Topic: Tag Implication: upskirt -> skirt

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Moon_Moon said:
You can't upskirt without looking up a skirt...

Hmm. What's it called when you look up somebody's baggy short legs?

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Hmm. What's it called when you look up somebody's baggy short legs?


Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:

Nah, I would think it'd be called upshorts. Similar sounding to upskirt, but different.
So what's the stance on approving or denying this? Waiting for more commentators?

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Nah, I would think it'd be called upshorts. Similar sounding to upskirt, but different.
So what's the stance on approving or denying this? Waiting for more commentators?

Nah, this is easily APPROVED

Updated by anonymous