Topic: BUG Search Solo_Male

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

System refuses to use blacklist.
I type Solo female i get all females by themselves. I type Solo male. it jumps to just male. This is an issue.
I am not gay. When i type Solo_female it should show exactly what i search for. I type Solo_male It erases male and shows male. So when i blacklist solo_male it should remove all male by themselves. But instead it removes males in general. That may be a bug.

Nevermind i found a workaround. just typing them together. without the _ line.Well that was short.


You really should check how the tagging system actually works before posting shit like this. solo_female isn't a tag either.

Blacklisting solo male will remove images which contain one male and no females, but you'll still see images which contain multiple males and no females. The blacklist line you were looking for is male -female, which will remove all images which contain any number of males without at least one female.

it actually gives you the option. When you are typing. solo_male. it says solo male. So the option is there. The problem is there is no bottom line to indicate these are one category. So if i put in solo male. It shows solo male. It should not. It should be Solo_male. So either its removed or the system does not recognize it. So it may still be a glitch or bug. or improper coding. Because if i blacklist it. it should not be one word after another. It needs that line to determine properly the information being conveyed.

wat8548 said:
You really should check how the tagging system actually works before posting shit like this. solo_female isn't a tag either.

Blacklisting solo male will remove images which contain one male and no females, but you'll still see images which contain multiple males and no females. The blacklist line you were looking for is male -female, which will remove all images which contain any number of males without at least one female.

solo male

Blacklisting these two lines as is will block any images that are solo AND male or two males together. This is good if you're okay with intersex pairings.

solo male male/male

This one won't do anything though, because no images should fall under solo AND male/male.

warsun said:
it actually gives you the option. When you are typing. solo_male. it says solo male. So the option is there. The problem is there is no bottom line to indicate these are one category. So if i put in solo male. It shows solo male. It should not. It should be Solo_male. So either its removed or the system does not recognize it. So it may still be a glitch or bug. or improper coding. Because if i blacklist it. it should not be one word after another. It needs that line to determine properly the information being conveyed.

You might want to look more closely at it:

solo_female → female

When the search gives you an option like this, it means that the tag on the left of the arrow has been aliased to the tag on the right. Solo_female does not exist, as it is forcibly turned into female itself. Solo female exists, but if you hit down and enter, you'll turn your search term to female, not solo female. It might look like the underscores are missing, but if it's showing up, any "spaces" are actually underscores.

Yeah i am finding out more on this. I didn't try And yet. About too. What i am trying to do is get rid of a guy just standing there. OK But i want to see males and females. So its annoying when you say. OK i don't want to see just a guy but if you try to block it. All males are removed. Its annoying. Its like i blacklisted gynomorph/male but it would not work. I had to block all gynomorph for that to work. An i happen to like a lot of that artwork. An i don't like the way its set up. This takes away from my searches.

By the way im mass downloading. So when i do this the more i skip the better. But instead its either add a bunch of art i don't want or download just what you wanted.

Also Intersex isn't a thing. Intersex is just a blatant description of something. They have names. Andromorph and gynomorph. A blatant label is Intersex. if you block intersex/gynomorph you are just confusing the system. That blocks all Intersex. So no. That should not be a label.

warsun said:
Yeah i am finding out more on this. I didn't try And yet. About too. What i am trying to do is get rid of a guy just standing there. OK But i want to see males and females. So its annoying when you say. OK i don't want to see just a guy but if you try to block it. All males are removed. Its annoying. Its like i blacklisted gynomorph/male but it would not work. I had to block all gynomorph for that to work. An i happen to like a lot of that artwork. An i don't like the way its set up. This takes away from my searches.

It sounds like you're running a search for -gynomorph. Instead, go into your account tab in the top, then into the settings, and towards the bottom is the blacklist. Add in the following:

male solo
male gynomorph

If you blacklist this, it will prevent those two tag combinations from showing up, but males can show up if they're with other genders, unless it's a gynomorph.
If you're okay with orgy images that include others, you can swap the second line to one of the following:

male gynomorph duo
male gynomorph -female -herm -andromorph

Also Intersex isn't a thing. Intersex is just a blatant description of something. They have names. Andromorph and gynomorph. A blatant label is Intersex. if you block intersex/gynomorph you are just confusing the system. That blocks all Intersex. So no. That should not be a label.

What? That doesn't make any sense. Intersex is an umbrella term for andromorphs, gynomorphs, and hermaphrodites. If any one of those exists, intersex exists. And I'm saying to blacklist intersex/male not intersex/gynomorph. The latter won't even confuse the system, either: intersex/gynomorph is just an umbrella tag that includes:

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