Topic: [Suggestion?] Regarding the upload limit calculation

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Hey, I want to make a suggestion to revise the upload limit equation that should remove a downside without introducing any potential exploitation of the system.

Let's separate flags for inferior quality from the rest of the mountain of flags in the calculation. Since it's already a multiple-choice option for flagging, maybe by giving that option a special back-end flag so that it ends up not counting within the calculation (of course pending flags can stay but once it is evaluated). Of course, my reason for wanting is because I don't upload in very large quantities to the site but I still do upload, and it feels a bit punishing for not doing a heavy deep-dive when the source for something I uploaded was on a decently obscure site. It's that someone knew the source better than I did, but didn't bring it to the table until I uploaded it. I'm not trying to be rewarded for bringing any attention first, nor am I trying to create any spats with anyone, it's just that I'm losing my upload limit over time for a very menial reason and it's gonna get to the point I'll be walking on eggshells hoping that I don't end up at 0. Be the judge of my evaluation, I'm just putting my thoughts out there if they end up useful.

Unless you're talking about a separate account you've had one post deletion (meaning you haven't yet lost any upload limit), and although it was a bvats, it's from back in the Tumblr raw days, not someone finding a higher quality version on a more obscure site.
Beyond that, to hit zero upload allowance you need to have more than 40% of your uploads deleted. You shouldn't be too worried about it unless you're getting really lazy about checking where artists upload.

if your limit hits zero because for reasons other then an admin manually setting it to zero, you can message one of the admins about getting it reset and they'll review it. On that, I don't know if reporting yourself in inquiry about this event should it happen to you would be looked down upon or fine...

From all appearances, you may be jumping the gun a bit. You only have 1 deleted post but it takes 4 deleted posts before your upload limit goes down by 1. As you have 11 good posts overall, assuming you never upload a good post again (Primus forbid), you would need 43 deleted posts all told before you're in trouble. Even if all of your posts got a Takedown (Primus forbid that, too), your upload limit would only be reduced to 8 (requiring 32 bad posts to wipe out). That's only if you have horrendous luck, though (Primus forbid times three).

Still, you do bring up a good point. While it takes 4 deleted posts to lose a point in your upload limit, it requires 10 good posts for it to gain a point, so negatives aren't weighted the same as positives. That's always going to be a concern when your limit is still low and you haven't yet earned the ability to have unlimited uploads (which takes a long while and a lot of uploads, to be honest). About the only way to prevent that is to consider it encouragement to learn where to find good quality pictures to upload and upload as many of those as you're able from a diverse array of artists. To get to a relatively safe upload limit where a Takedown or better versions hit won't hurt you requires patience, good judgement, the ability to set aside your pride and ego (believe me, that's a tough one), and often crossed fingers. In the unlikely event you get slammed by Takedowns and better versions, you can message a moderator or admin, stating your case, and they can adjust the value for you at their discretion.


oh wait maybe i'm misunderstanding it then. I thought the flags stay indefinitely/were different than the Pending status.

EDIT: yeah I screwed up my math in actuality. Forgot my latest post was still pending. Disregard my comments, I didn't logic it right.

EDIT 2: then again, I suppose it could be reworked in regards to the deleted calculation. Not as consequential though but still the logic can be applied.


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