Topic: No bump option for pools

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

The pool gallery has been getting spammed a lot with description updates for ancient pools, lately. There is also the problem of multi-chapter comics, where you want to link prior chapters to a newly posted one but that requires bumping all the old pools at once.

If marking specific updates as non-bumpable is too complex (even though the option exists for post comments, where it is far less useful), could there at least be a filter option to exclude pools marked as inactive?

wat8548 said:
If marking specific updates as non-bumpable is too complex (even though the option exists for post comments, where it is far less useful), could there at least be a filter option to exclude pools marked as inactive?

Unless I'm misunderstanding there's already a filter for active only

I do agree with the feature request though - or possibly not even bump it at all from a description update. I don't see why anything other than a new post being added to the pool should bump it.

An option to sage a pool edit sounds useful, but it would need to be paired with the option to sort by minor and major updates. As it stands we can search for their creation date or any minor updates, and removing the ability to search for updates regardless of how minor they are would not be helpful--it helps find trolly updates to pools rather well.

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