Topic: When Is SecondLife Considered a Screen Grab or Acceptable.

Posted under Art Talk

I put up a post just a bit ago that is now removed. I'm not necessarily contesting it but I do have a question about some of the other stuff posted with the second life tag that is still up.
I notice that most of it is transformative work, images either traced over or used as a reference for more traditional work. But a fair amount is also just a screengrab with some lighting overlays (or just done in the Black Dragon viewer) and some just plain screenshots with no work done on them.

The image I posted wasn't just a screengrab. There were manual adjustments done with the black dragon viewer to get the pose how I wanted it, SL doesn't have reflections so I also had to go in, mask the vines/my leg, get another screenshot from the proper angle, fit that in, and then do a mirror shine overlay. I also did additional background blurring and editing over seams. Not a TON of work, but not just a screengrab either and, while I didn't make the 3d models myself, most of the textures on my character were done by me also.

So the question is, what is and isn't allowed? I think the stuff already up (most of it) is good work, so I wouldn't want it removed. Where is the line between screengrab and transformative work?
I'm guessing that maybe this is a somewhat newer rule since the last screengrab upload was from a year ago, that or enforcement is just more strict now. I dunno, I feel like some better clarification in the rules or something could help. Clarify that old SL stuff is staying up but no more from here on out maybe. For me, I read the upload rules but I also check what has been uploaded prior (and is no longer pending) to see what precedents are set for certain things.

(If it's needed for anything the image is 43410439 on FA.)
(Oh, and the e6 post that was removed, incase anyone needs that too )

Screencaps are just straight up not acceptable.
The only time one might get through these days is if the approver is not paying attention – everyone makes mistakes, after all.
There are also a number of second life posts from before 2015. Those have been grandfathered into the rules and thus are allowed to stay.
The uploading guidelines should be pretty clear about that.

Behold the graveyard that is the second life tag: second_life status:any.
Posts like that are uploaded all the time, and almost all of them are deleted on the spot.

Mk, well thanks for letting me know!
I didn't know about the status:any search function, it truly is a graveyard xD

Similar to SFM content, you might be able to get an approved upload for your own models, but likely only a few each. This pretty rarely happens nowadays; from what I remember you had to pay just to get a custom texture in, whereas source filmmaker is free.

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