Topic: Update or Clean: Presenting Hindquarters (A tag discussion)

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

A bit of discussion popped up in topic #30668 about this, as a lot of posts are tagged with presenting hindquarters that are also rated safe, but according to the wiki

Presenting Hindquarters said:
Presenting is almost always Explicit.
If the post can be rated Questionable, it's rarely blatant enough for this tag. Exceptions include content such as presenting featureless crotch, censoring, and butts that are so large that genitalia that'd otherwise be visible is hidden from the view.

post #2856614
Some images feature a characterintentionally showing off their hindquarters, but in a non-suggestive way, where they are also kept featureless.
post #2716119
Some images just happen to be taken behind a character so that the hindquarters are visible.
post #2904325
And then some come between, where the character looks back at another or the viewer, but doesn't seem to be trying to present.

My personal opinion is that the wiki should have a bit of rewrite to include posts such as that first one (A character could be showing off a tattoo or pants, or in that case a tail, without it being so much as questionable), but would still need to be cleaned out of both examples of the latter two cases.

Honestly I didn't know this tag existed, I have been using raised_hindquarters (named ass_up now) for when a character is presenting their rear towards the screen, with the complimentary presenting_penis/balls/pussy/anus tags.

As for the topic at hand, the latter two are hardly presenting anything and would need to be cleaned out (raised_tail might be a better alternative).
The first post would be appropriate for the tag, but I have more of an issue towards how raised_hindquarters implies butt, or for how butt is being used for that matter.

I'm not sure how everybody tags it but I only use butt for when I see a pair of prominent round buttocks, most commonly found on humanoid or anthro characters.
However, I do not use butt for characters who don't possess said characteristics on their rears, such as the case with most ferals and the aforementioned post (post #2856614).

I would suggest having a separate presenting_butt tag for more rounded rears and having presenting_hindquarters for generally any rears, and then having the former imply to the latter (i.e., butt implies hindquarters).
But I don't know, it just depends on how people use the butt tag. If everybody is okay with having non-rounded rears on their butt search results, then I'm alright with it.
