Topic: Webm rendering

Posted under General

I tried now many times to render my webm videos in aproper quality. If i play the rendered file on my own system, before uploading them, they are totally fine. Smooth framerat,no screen tearing,nothing. In fullscreen and in small. The uploaded will look like this on the site tho.

I would really appriciate some help, or suggestions about what i am doing wrong.

Thank you

throwawayacc1407 said:
i use some webm plugin for adobe premiere.

Not sure what's your pipeline is, but render your animation into series of .pngs so there's no quality loss at this stage, and then just use FFmpeg (chances are your plugin does exactly that, but it's more transparent with the command line) to convert them into a .webm. Adobe Premiere supports .png sequences, so if you need to do some editing it should be no issue.

hexen said:
Not sure what's your pipeline is, but render your animation into series of .pngs so there's no quality loss at this stage, and then just use FFmpeg (chances are your plugin does exactly that, but it's more transparent with the command line) to convert them into a .webm. Adobe Premiere supports .png sequences, so if you need to do some editing it should be no issue. this are pretty much my render settings

hexen said:
Not sure what's your pipeline is, but render your animation into series of .pngs so there's no quality loss at this stage, and then just use FFmpeg (chances are your plugin does exactly that, but it's more transparent with the command line) to convert them into a .webm. Adobe Premiere supports .png sequences, so if you need to do some editing it should be no issue.

I don't see any problem with Adobe Media Encoder with WebM files and many artists posting here use it because it's already part of the software they are paying for anyway. Also it does have graphical frontend which is the primary reason why so many resort into online converters and shareware nonsense.
I just have zero knowledge of it personally because it's paid software and it does have some weird settings, like changing CRF of 1-64 to quality slider of 1-100.

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