Topic: This BUR is about [SPOILERS]

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Actually, I wonder if we should move spoiler alert into the artist Category, so that other people can have an easier time seeing it. We already do this for epilepsy warning & sound warning...

siral_exan said:
Actually, I wonder if we should move spoiler alert into the artist Category, so that other people can have an easier time seeing it. We already do this for epilepsy warning & sound warning...

Speaking of those, topic #30826 might be of interest to you.

I don't think spoilers really fit in with the other warnings, since they're by nature meta information, unlike light and sound.

What even is considered a "spoiler"? Everyone's concept of what constitutes a "spoiler" will be different, ranging from anything that goes beyond the basic concept of a game/movie/whatever, to anything that isn't officially released, to "major" plot points or plot twists (which different people will disagree on what's major or what's a twist) even if they happen in the very beginning, to only things that happen at the very end. Some people consider spoilers to be time-sensitive, with different people having different time limits, and others don't consider time to be a factor with a spoiler always being a spoiler.

Is Kraid being in Metroid Dread a spoiler? Some say yes, others say no. Is Aeris' death a spoiler? Some say yes, others say no. What about the latter pages of a comic? Someone who hasn't read it yet and just saw the latest page could be seeing a spoiler.

Then there's questions regarding uploaders who don't know what a spoiler is. I have no idea why this or this are considered spoilers. So there's a constant issue of spoilers not being marked as such due to not knowing. There's also this kind of spoiler, so at the very least it would need to be disambiguated.

watsit said:
What even is considered a "spoiler"?

It seems to me that you have an issue with the (admittedly subjective) definition of "spoiler" rather than with the purposes of the BUR specifically. My main goal was to alias a few tags that are equivalent in usage to one of them. I take it that you would agree with the script if the category change was to Invalid instead of Meta?

However, it was clearly deemed valid enough by staff to have an alias request approved (spoilers -> spoiler).

gattonero2001 said:
It seems to me that you have an issue with the (admittedly subjective) definition of "spoiler" rather than with the purposes of the BUR specifically.

Essentially, though this BUR is at odds with what I'd like to see happen with spoiler. The problem is that it can't realistically be a useful tag to a large enough group of people. It will either catch too much or too little, because what is a spoiler to one person won't be to another. Not to mention it's often franchise- or media-specific (I couldn't give a carp about seeing Final Fantasy or Marvel or Undertale/Deltarune spoilers, for example, but I would care about spoilers for Elder Scrolls or Zelda or Wanderlust; and Twilight Princess or Age of Calamity spoilers are less an issue to me compared to Breath of the Wild 2), so how could you realistically navigate that with one tag?

Then you have odd cases like FF7Remake, which even though many people consider FF7 to be aged-out of spoiler status, some started to argue that because new people are being freshly exposed to the story in the remake, they should be spoilers again. But may not actually be spoilers due to spoilers that happen later in the remake; so whether it's a spoiler or not is itself a spoiler.

gattonero2001 said:
However, it was clearly deemed valid enough by staff to have an alias request approved (spoilers -> spoiler).

5 years ago by former staff with no discussion.

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