Topic: Tagging Doujinshi/Artwork-Set Circle/Group

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Is it ok to tag a circle/group as an artist and just put a _(group) or _(circle) suffix? Generally artists that make doujinshis or artwork sets work on groups and oftenly we don't know exactly the artist(s) name(s).

But I don't see people tagging that way, often artists that are on a group/circle are just tagged as unknown_artist, unfortunately. So is it ok to tag an artist circle/group with a _(group/circle) suffix and put on the artist category?


It is not necessary to include suffixes unless their names are common/able to be disambiguated.
Treat them the same as collaboration accounts where you include both the group_name and artist_names together as the artist tags (e.g., hax_(artist) implicates both kenket & lofi).

Now I'm not sure how artists in the doujinshi circle work (i.e., Do they all collab with every single artwork?), but it may be necessary to only include those artist names that you know have participated in the creation of the artwork, and exclude those that did not participate.

If you don't know which artist participated in the artwork, then you can just add the group_name by itself.

thegreatwolfgang said:
It is not necessary to include suffixes unless their names are common/able to be disambiguated.
Treat them the same as collaboration accounts where you include both the group_name and artist_names together as the artist tags (e.g., hax_(artist) implicates both kenket & lofi).

Now I'm not sure how artists in the doujinshi circle work (i.e., Do they all collab with every single artwork?), but it may be necessary to only include those artist names that you know have participated in the creation of the artwork, and exclude those that did not participate.

If you don't know which artist participated in the artwork, then you can just add the group_name by itself.

I'm not that sure how they work either. From what I've seen there are "groups" with only one person. But if it's ok to tag a doujinshi group as artist then I think it solves my question, thanks!

sieghelm_lockayer said:
I'm not that sure how they work either. From what I've seen there are "groups" with only one person. But if it's ok to tag a doujinshi group as artist then I think it solves my question, thanks!

If you know which artists are involved in the group (even if it's just one), mention them in the artist's wiki so that others may know as well.

sieghelm_lockayer said:
I forgot to ask, but is it necessary to put or maintain the unknown_artist tag when we only know the doujinshi group and only have it as the artist tag?

If you have tagged it with just the doujinshi group's artist tag, then you can remove the unknown_artist tag as it won't be necessary anymore.
Though it is still preferable that you find out whom from the group had worked on the artwork, but if you can't then the group's tag should suffice.