It's been 2 years since I joined e621, and I still can't upload anything because the majority of my posts haven't been approved. To this day, I still have the upload limit of -4 (5 posts got approved while the other 14 got deleted). Now I'm debating on whether or not I should just stop posting on porn art sites. I tried Pixiv, bit my account got suspended (likely a permanent one) due to one of my posts there violating the rules on "illegal content" and I tried Rule 34 xxx, but I can't seem to log back in to my account for some reason (I don't know why). And before you say something like "what about (insert porn art site here)?", I either do have an account on there, but I'm rarely active/inactive (ex. Rule 34 Paheal, Baraag, Gelbooru, DeviantArt), I'm not interested in making an account (ex. Hentai Foundry, FurAffinity), or I deleted the account (ex. Newgrounds). Regardless of whether or not I post my porn art or somebody elses, it may not get a lot of views/likes. It's hard for me and my posts to get noticed, and it's so unfair how easy it is for some people and their posts to get noticed. Like, what the hell? What the fuck do I gotta post to get noticed in this bitch? Lopunny getting fucked in the ass?