Topic: [APPROVED] Deltarune characters BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #1367 is active.

create implication swatch_(deltarune) (139) -> deltarune (17780)
create implication tasque (150) -> deltarune (17780)
change category tasque (150) -> species
create implication tasque_manager (1773) -> deltarune (17780)
create implication queen_(deltarune) (141) -> deltarune (17780)
create implication sweet_(deltarune) (45) -> deltarune (17780)
create implication cake_(deltarune) (0) -> deltarune (17780)
mass update k_k -> cake_(deltarune)
create implication cap'n_(deltarune) (41) -> deltarune (17780)
mass update cap'n -> cap'n_(deltarune)
change category rudinn (21) -> species
create implication virovirokun (132) -> deltarune (17780)
create implication spamton_neo (19) -> deltarune (17780)
create implication werewire (142) -> deltarune (17780)
create alias q5u4ex7yy2e9n (0) -> queen_(deltarune) (141)

Reason: More deltarune characters.

  • "K_K is short for Cakes", probably left that way so fans could google deltarune kk and not get stuck finding top and spin cakes.
  • That seemingly random string is the Queen's serial number.

EDIT: The bulk update request #1367 (forum #317264) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #1379 is active.

create implication swatchling (397) -> deltarune (17780)
create alias rudinn_(deltarune) (0) -> rudinn (21)
create implication rudinn (21) -> deltarune (17780)
create alias nubert_(deltarune) (0) -> nubert (37)
create implication nubert (37) -> deltarune (17780)
create alias spamton (0) -> spamton_g._spamton (196)
create alias spamton_g_spamton (0) -> spamton_g._spamton (196)
create implication spamton_g._spamton (196) -> deltarune (17780)

Reason: Split off because I know some of y'all don't like the idea of these aliases.

  • Nubert and Rudinn have unnecessary suffixes.

EDIT: The bulk update request #1379 (forum #317433) has failed: Error: Alias would modify other aliases or implications through transitive relationships. (create alias swatchling_(deltarune) -> swatchling)

EDIT: The bulk update request #1379 (forum #317433) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

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