Topic: I can't see my own comments.

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

I don't know if I'm the only one dealing with this, but E621 won't let me view my own comments - both on posts and on my profile. They don't show on posts and if I use 'view comments' it shows what I've commented on but not the comments themselves. I'm on mobile btw.

Maybe, you've set your comment threshold incorrectly? Check your settings
The "Comment threshold" should be a negative number – I believe, -3 is the default. Comments with a score below that number will be hidden, including your own.

reddeath3 said:
Ok that fixed it! Thanks, dude.

If you were trying to blacklist your own uploads:

user:RedDeath3 rating:s
user:RedDeath3 rating:q
user:RedDeath3 rating:e

will blacklist only your uploads, not your comments.

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