Topic: e621 API Python tool

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

I consolidated all the python code I made when learning how to use the API into one module and made a pysimplegui GUI to make it a standalone python app
The module can and is used with other python programs like a Discord bot to compare tag based data


this was mainly started for a friend group discord bot that would get average scores for posts with certain tags so we could compare their popularity and make claims like ass beats boobs
this is not a tool for browsing or using e6 as much as its a goofy number cruncher, though it does include an incredibly crude random suggestion feature

I'm a newer coder and I assume it looks like a mess to anyone who knows what they're doing, but it functions at least
more info is in the GitLab readme

edit: repo owner isnt me btw, smarter friend helped with code


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