Topic: Self-Proclaim In charge of Fate/GO

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Not to sound pompous or anything. I just want to inform people, who take the time to be on forums and admins/mods who see this, that I am solo-ing the entire Fate Grand Order section of e621 that has about 1.6k pictures. If anyone sees anything weird like multiple names on a character or something that seems convoluted, it most likely was my doing but it has a purpose.

I am preparing a Fate Grand Order BUR and I'm saying this now so maybe a few can understand and possibly, I won't get in trouble due to a misunderstanding like: tag abuse or something like that.

I'm not sure if any of you guys play or played the game or watched the animes of the Fate Series, but as someone who has, I'm just trying to tidy things up. It's looking a bit messy and I just want to clean it up myself. So I'm adding pictures of certain characters that fit the guidelines (as best as I possibly can of course) and adding what would seem like useless tags for names. But those will get fixed in BURS at a later date.

I hope you all understand, I don't think anyone even cares about the Fate Grand Order maybe I'm just talking to a minority.

Anyway, hope you can understand that the semi-human pics coming here recently maybe my doing and I am terribly sorry, it's all for my BUR!
gonna try and not give the approvers too much work on determining if something stays or goes because of too human or not enough furry

post #1345340

posts that probably make Approvers head scratch a bit
post #2981739 post #2981721 post #2981641 post #2981608

If I can help it. I'm not lost, I know this is a furry-heavy site
I didn't just wake up and start being like "I want to post humans"
I'm just trying to find pics to suit my tagging BUR needs but this game is very human artwork based.
Dunno where I could find furry version artwork. So my sourses are usually from Pixiv and Danbooru


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