Topic: Tag implication: building -> architecture

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Hullo! Assuming I'm using terms correctly--and the revelation that I'm not would be a wee bit awkward at this stage--I feel the building tag should be implicated to architecture. Unless there are cases that are slipping my notice, buildings are pieces of architecture, and the tags should reflect that.


I think you mean implication. Alias replaces tags (dogs -> dog) leaving one single tag, while implicating says "squirrels are always mammals, so always add the mammal tag when the squirrel tag is used".

While technically correct, I don't think that the architecture tag is useful enough to warrant an implication. It seems to be used as a way to emphasize the detail of a piece of architecture rather than just say "this is architecture".

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I think you mean implication. Alias replaces tags (dogs -> dog) leaving one single tag, while implicating says "squirrels are always mammals, so always add the mammal tag when the squirrel tag is used".

I don't think that the tag is useful enough to warrant an implication, but then again I'm not sure I would search for "building" very often either.

I appreciate the heads up on that. :> I've changed the titles of my posts to reflect the correct terminology. I think the tag can have some additional utility. While this site does focus on character-centric art, there is a fair bit of it (especially relating to macro content) that involves architecture. So, while it may not have seen much use as of yet, I'm hoping that can be changed.

Updated by anonymous

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