The bulk update request #1542 is active.
create implication the_end_(minecraft) (208) -> minecraft (5276)
remove implication creeper (13) -> minecraft (5276)
mass update creeper -> creeper_(minecraft)
change category creeper_(minecraft) (807) -> species
create implication creeper_(minecraft) (807) -> minecraft (5276)
mass update wither -> wither_(minecraft)
change category wither_(minecraft) (13) -> species
create implication wither_(minecraft) (13) -> minecraft (5276)
create alias shulker_(minecraft) (0) -> shulker (10)
create implication shulker (10) -> minecraft (5276)
create alias vex (0) -> vex_(disambiguation) (1)
create implication vex_(minecraft) (6) -> minecraft (5276)
remove implication zombie_pigman (0) -> minecraft (5276)
remove implication zombie_pigman (0) -> undead (15490)
remove implication zombie_pigman (0) -> suina (26344)
create alias piglin_brute (0) -> piglin (255)
create implication piglin (255) -> minecraft (5276)
create implication piglin (255) -> suina (26344)
create implication zombie_piglin (51) -> undead (15490)
create implication zombie_piglin (51) -> piglin (255)
create alias allay_(minecraft) (0) -> allay (73)
create implication allay (73) -> minecraft (5276)
create implication glare_(minecraft) (11) -> minecraft (5276)
create implication iron_golem_(minecraft) (29) -> golem_(minecraft) (52)
create implication copper_golem_(minecraft) (2) -> golem_(minecraft) (52)
create implication golem_(minecraft) (52) -> minecraft (5276)
- The ender dragon is a species, not a character.
- Jean? is an ugly way of writing that name, Notch only included the question mark to hint that it was a suggestion, not a certain thing.
- The particular dragon you encounter in the actual game is, y'know, part of the game. She will not be implying Ender_Dragon because people can draw her as another species (such as a kobold). That's how characters work.
I mean, I think it sounds cute, you go to the end and find out there's a cute little 'bold instead of a dragon - The End is a dimension found in Minecraft, similar to the_nether_(minecraft).
- Creeper is a generic term that's been used in other media. While everything currently under it is Minecraft, there are other Creeper tags already on E621.
- Same for Wither and Vex
- Shulker is unique and doesn't need the suffix.
- Pigmen were renamed to Piglins
- Allay, Glare, and Copper Golems were part of a new mob vote.
alias zombie_pigman -> zombie_piglin
EDIT: The bulk update request #1542 (forum #320036) has been approved by @bitWolfy.
Updated by auto moderator