Topic: Issue with reverse_forced_anal

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

So, there was initially the issue that forced_oral, reverse_forced_oral, and forced_anal all imply forced, but there was a section of each’s wiki that stated that the action did not have to be forced. The character’s movement just had to be restricted. This incorrectly includes a lot of bondage art (but only if it includes one of those 3 actions). This seems to be a holdout from the early days of this site when tagging for consent wasn’t set-in-stone.

I decided to fix this by removing that section of the wiki and specifying the action had to be forced. I’m not sure if this was through the proper channels, but it seems like no one’s switched it back.

Now, all that’s left is reverse_forced_anal. Specifying that the tag only applies to examples of forced sex seems to go against its current usage, especially given the fact the tag doesn’t even imply forced.

You might ask why I didn’t just try to unimply forced for the 3 tags, instead of changing their wiki along with the wiki and implication structure of another tag. The simple answer is confusion. People already have trouble tagging forced. Forced_sex (which is supposed to be tagged in all cases where “forced” describes a sexual act) is often entirely neglected, and forced is often overextended to tag any case where force is used in the Newtonian sense.

Having 4 tags starting with forced that aren’t really referring to forced actions only compounds this confusion.

Anyways, I will propose a BUR, although I doubt it will pass. If you are a moderator reading this, please consider implementing these changes.

I’m sorry for my inconsistent and shitty tone. I blame my autism. Peace.

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