Topic: Tag Implication: thor_(deity) -> marvel

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

No. Thor is not exclusive to the Marvel universe. He is a god from Norse mythology. This isn't a good implication.

Updated by anonymous

It a good idea, but I would recommend thor_(marvel) -> marvel instead, then retagging as necessary and leaving thor_(deity) for any non-Marvel Thors

"I am god of thunder! Call me Thor!"
     "You're Thor?"
"Well, I do ache a bit, and my back's killing me."

Updated by anonymous

-A billion.
My privileged Scandinavian roots makes me despise this implication.

Updated by anonymous

Bad implication.
Because Thor is a Norse deity that predates Marvel by hundreds of years.

Also, because Marvel's use of Norse mythology is just another depiction of the older Norse god mythology, so it makes no sense to pretend it's a separate character and create a separate tag for the same character. It's the same God, Marvel just borrowed him and wrote a few additional stories for him. If this were a fanfiction board (where the differences in lore actually matter) then maybe the oldest Norse mythology cannon vs Marvel universe cannon might be enough reason to create a separate tag. But we tag images and not the cannon lore: visually speaking, I don't see any way to distinguish the marvel and non-marvel versions of Thor that isn't explained by the differences in artistic styles and interpretations of the same basic character.

In a nutshell: Thor doesn't belong to Marvel, so the implication doesn't make sense. However, he still looks recognizably like Thor, so creating a new tag for the Marvel version vs older mythology version when they look the same doesn't make any sense under TWYS. The only thing I can think of is just to make sure that the relevant Marvel wiki is linked/mentioned for 'related interest type of link' purposes on Thor's page. ...Which I can see it already is. So I guess that's already done.

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
Thor doesn't belong to Marvel, so creating a new tag for the Marvel version vs older mythology version when they look the same doesn't make any sense under TWYS.

So that applies to loki_(marvel) as well.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

The_Great_Wolfgang said:
So that applies to loki_(marvel) as well.

In what way? That tag should only be used for the Marvel's Loki (usually recognizable by the costume, etc.), the rest should be tagged as Loki.

Updated by anonymous

The_Great_Wolfgang said:
So that applies to loki_(marvel) as well.

In theory at least, that would seem likely. Although I think Loki's appearance has varied more in mythology (googling art of Loki mythology with Marvel's version filtered out shows a wide number of depictions). Marvel's version of him was a bit of a makeover, giving their version of Loki both a very distinctly consistent look, and a very distinctly green ornate robe-like wardrobe. So, because Marvel's version of Loki is visually distinct from other versions and therefore possible to distinguish them, I think having a loki_(marvel) tag makes sense. And because they're the only one who owns that version of Loki, then implicated that with the Marvel tag would also make sense.

Thor on the other hand has looked pretty similar in most of his depictions including Marvel's, so it wouldn't be easy to visually separate them apart.

/two cents

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
Thor on the other hand has looked pretty similar in most of his depictions including Marvel's, so it wouldn't be easy to visually separate them apart.

Not entirely. The original Norse Thor was explicitly red-headed while Marvel's Thor is oddly blond (and originally clean-shaven). His costume and hammer are also distinct between traditional and Marvel versions (come on, now; wing/horns on a helmet?; Norseman weren't so insane as to give their opponents free handles to grab in combat). I think Marvel's version is distinct enough that, like Loki_(Marvel), he can have his own tag, although I'd think the only official version of Thor_(Marvel) normally on this site would be him as a frog.

Updated by anonymous

Clawstripe said:
Not entirely. The original Norse Thor was explicitly red-headed while Marvel's Thor is oddly blond (and originally clean-shaven). His costume and hammer are also distinct between traditional and Marvel versions (come on, now; wing/horns on a helmet?; Norseman weren't so insane as to give their opponents free handles to grab in combat). I think Marvel's version is distinct enough that, like Loki_(Marvel), he can have his own tag, although I'd think the only official version of Thor_(Marvel) normally on this site would be him as a frog.

You make some good points and pointed out some differences I hadn't noticed. I think as long as the thor wiki(s) are updated to reflect how to tell them apart, then separating them into thor_(marvel) and thor_(deity) makes sense now that they can be distinguished from each other, with thor_(marvel) then implicating --> marvel as well. (Basically how Genjar was illustrating it in the post above mine). I can agree with this plan now.

Updated by anonymous