Topic: [APPROVED] Changing ears to invalid category BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

It's definitely due to the alias. You can't have tag X imply or alias to tag Y, while tag Y is aliased to tag Z.

Bump. Ears would be better in the invalid category rather than aliased to invalid tag. (Also ear should probably get unaliased too.)

Though i'm not too sure about the plan to alias [animal]_ears to ears



I'm not sure I see the point in having ears being a tag, even in the invalid category, given how ubiquitous they are. I've also noticed a slight uptick in <animal>_ears mistags recently (on <animal> anthros and ferals, not the humanoids it's intended for), which I wouldn't want to see encouraged.

watsit said:
I'm not sure I see the point in having ears being a tag, even in the invalid category, given how ubiquitous they are. I've also noticed a slight uptick in <animal>_ears mistags recently (on <animal> anthros and ferals, not the humanoids it's intended for), which I wouldn't want to see encouraged.

ears could be a typo of the other valid *_ears tags, so the current/future taggers knows what went wrong.

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