Topic: The feck is going on

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Does anyone know why muscular_intersex have been aliased to muscles?
I'm pretty damn certain that during the last time the tag was up for discussion, there was a broad support for allowing the tag to continue being, similar to how muscular_female was allowed to continue being.

If most people tending to the tags agreed to leave the tag alone, why was it aliased?


forum #33366 - Ippiki seemed quite for the idea of aliasing muscular_female
forum #99565 - It was aliased after this thread, but I'm not sure if here was even a consensus.
forum #101058 - Decision to unalias muscular_intersex was forgotten about.

I think muscular_female has a lot more backlash from people is pretty much it. I can't really be sure what actually happened though. Genearlly gender tags are discouraged and every now and then there is a purging of one of them and sometimes they are brought back.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
forum #101058 - Decision to unalias muscular_intersex was forgotten about.

Yup, that's it.
Looks like we need to unalias it then.

Updated by anonymous

Half the time I feel discussions about the tags go forgotten and unheeded. The discussion regarding the Piledriver tags never had a conclusion and nothing was done about it.

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
Half the time I feel discussions about the tags go forgotten and unheeded. The discussion regarding the Piledriver tags never had a conclusion and nothing was done about it.


Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
Half the time I feel discussions about the tags go forgotten and unheeded. The discussion regarding the Piledriver tags never had a conclusion and nothing was done about it.

The majority of the mods are working for free, afaik, and they've got quite a lot of stuff to do here on the site, can't really blame em' for forgetting stuff now and then.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
The majority of the mods are working for free, afaik, and they've got quite a lot of stuff to do here on the site, can't really blame em' for forgetting stuff now and then.

I understand that mods don't have time for, for example, tagging things correctly after removing alias is done.
However it's irritating that apparently nobody there has some kind of TODO checklist. Removing alias should (and I hope it is) be as simple as clicking few buttons, and posting to users that alias was removed so they can begin tagging project. I'm talking particularly about muscular_intersex where decision was made, yet it was not executed.
I also don't like lack of feedback from admins on implication/alias threads when they are accepted/rejected. I do like how furrypickle is giving feedback to users, even though some complain about massive update of alias/implication threads.

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
I do like how furrypickle is giving feedback to users, even though some complain about massive update of alias/implication threads.

Me too, it's one of hairycucumbers best qualities as mod.

Updated by anonymous

Alias deleted. It looks like both muscular_intersex and muscular_female serve a valid purpose as tags and should be kept. I also implicated muscular_intersex to --> muscles since muscular_female is already implicated.

Any help restoring images that should be tagged with muscular_intersex is appreciated. I got only some them and I'm pretty sure there's a lot of images still out there which could use the tag.


Also, thanks to those who gave feedback. It's good to know what's working and what doesn't. I know that the tag discussions/aliases/implications stuff getting dropped has been particularly frustrating in the recent past. It's going to take a little bit to prove that's changing, albeit slowly.

It's also good to know that communicating the verdict on implications/aliases is helpful to users instead of just quietly doing it in the background. I was guessing that it would be, because I remembered a few instances where people were asking for that type of communication over the last few years. I know I always found it useful when I was a member to hear the verdict of 'whatever happened to that one' etc after investing so much time and energy into discussing it. It keeps things more transparent and it keeps the community involved. Especially since there's usually a waiting period after it's proposed to give everyone time to see it/weigh in before a final decision is made, so it's easy to not be aware if it's still pending or was handled weeks ago. And then if it's dropped for months, it can feel like it wasted your time. So, it's fair to at least communicate what happened to it when it does get handled. I also think that putting a little something in the thread itself helps to keep a better record of what and why the decision was made for the benefit of future tag discussions. So, those were a few of my reasons. Good to hear the feedback though, both good and bad. Thanks y'all.

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
Any help restoring images that should be tagged with muscular_intersex is appreciated. I got only some them and I'm pretty sure there's a lot of images still out there which could use the tag.

Ill do what I can when I can. I'll certainly add it on any image that needs it.
I'l also ask in the Tagging Projects if anyone feels like helping, it's a pretty big project.

Updated by anonymous