Topic: Tag alias: lucoa -> quetzalcoatl_(dragon_maid)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

If "Lucoa is their more recognized name", then the alias should probably be reversed. It doesn't really matter from a tagging perspective, but there's probably some people that only know the former, and would get confused when they see e6 call her Quetzalcoatl.

siral_exan said:
If "Lucoa is their more recognized name", then the alias should probably be reversed. It doesn't really matter from a tagging perspective, but there's probably some people that only know the former, and would get confused when they see e6 call her Quetzalcoatl.

quetzalcoatl (dragon maid) already has an appropriate implication associated with it, so unless Lucoa is her Real True Name, it would be simpler this way around (also, I would probably disambiguate Lucoa if she went by that, since it doesn't seem terribly unique).

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