Topic: [Feature] Stats page: Ratings

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.
It would be nice if had an overview of posts by rating:

Total posts    1000   100%
Safe           700    70%
Questionable   200    20%
Explicit       100    10%

Why would it be useful?
When artists ask what e621 is, I tell them "It's a furry image board, and most of the art there is porn".
But is this actually true?
I'd like to give them some numbers.
And yes, I know that not all "Explicit" posts are porn, some just contain good ol' violence.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?


Former Staff

I gathered the stats with a script a few months ago. These were the results:

ratingpost count% of total

Having these listed on the stats page would be nice, though.

I always though it would be nice to have a bit more info there. Maybe I'll get around to it sometime.

mantikor said:
Requested feature overview description.
It would be nice if had an overview of posts by rating:

Total posts    1000   100%
Safe           700    70%
Questionable   200    20%
Explicit       100    10%

Why would it be useful?
When artists ask what e621 is, I tell them "It's a furry image board, and most of the art there is porn".
But is this actually true?
I'd like to give them some numbers.
And yes, I know that not all "Explicit" posts are porn, some just contain good ol' violence.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

Useful, but I just wish people would stop calling everything Furry since it isn't due to it not making any sense. Not to mention Furries don't even make 10% of all animal-evolved people art. (Probably). That would be very useful by the way.

Added. It will take about a day until the values are updated, until then those will just be empty.

Honestly safe/questionable/explicit counts would be more convenient if we could somehow get those counted on our searches, though that would be a more difficult/intensive stat to be constantly fetching.

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