Topic: big_penis and hyper_penis tags in reference to the same dick

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

These two tags are nearly opposites so why do they so often appear on the same post? big_penis means "-large penis but is anatomically possible" meanwhile hyper_penis means "An impossibly large penis...". Their definitions are in direct opposition to one another! These two tags SHOULD NOT be used to refer to the same penis within an the fact that there are 224 pages to this search: means people are routinely misusing these tags.

I assume the same problem exists between the "big" and "hyper" versions of other tags as well ("big_ass" vs. "hyper_ass" comes to mind)...what can really be done about this issue? I'm sure that there are a bunch of bad taggers that just smother every sort of size-related tags on their posts. I think the tagging habits of those users should be more readily policed otherwise you literally have two contradictory tags on the same image which just ruins the entire point of sizing tags altogether.

EDIT: Oh my god it's an IMPLICATION? Are you kidding me with this!?

The hyper -> huge -> big implication chain has existed for a long time and across most body parts commonly tagged with size: breasts, muscles, hands/feet/tail/other limbs, all kinds of genitalia, etc.

I tend to agree that it seems confusing, at least the way the wiki page is written. However, it’s easy enough to bypass. You can just search big_penis - huge_penis if you don’t want anything bigger than “big” - or you can search huge_penis - hyper_penis if you don’t want anything bigger than huge.

In some sense, these tags are intended to function more as umbrella tags rather than precise descriptions. That is to say, all hyper penes are certainly “big” as well. Big, in this sense, seems to mean “the opposite of small” rather than referring to any particular size.

I wouldn’t be opposed to removing the implications and using the tags as you thought they were supposed to be used, except that this would require sorting through literally hundreds of thousands of posts manually to remove the offending tags left after the removal of the implications. Given how much effort that would require (and the fact that it’s fairly easy to bypass this situation with the minus operator or a blacklist), I’d say we best leave it as is.

scaliespe said:
it’s easy enough to bypass. You can just search big_penis - huge_penis if you don’t want anything bigger than “big” - or you can search huge_penis - hyper_penis if you don’t want anything bigger than huge.

That's extremely clunky imo. The most natural assumption would be that each tag would point to a specific size and that you wouldn't have to filter out sizes.

scaliespe said:
In some sense, these tags are intended to function more as umbrella tags rather than precise descriptions.

if "big_penis" is meant as an umbrella tag essentially meaning "any size of penis that is larger than average penis up to an including a cock capable of destroying galaxies" that's fine, but then its wiki entry should reflect that.

scaliespe said:
I wouldn’t be opposed to removing the implications and using the tags as you thought they were supposed to be used, except that this would require sorting through literally hundreds of thousands of posts manually to remove the offending tags left after the removal of the implications. Given how much effort that would require (and the fact that it’s fairly easy to bypass this situation with the minus operator or a blacklist), I’d say we best leave it as is.

I mean whoever made that stupid chain of implications in the first place is an idiot and made it so two contradicting tags are literally always tagged together...but yeah I agree that combing through that many posts is not going to happen and that the site is stuck with the current system. This needed to be caught and corrected long ago if it was to be corrected at all.

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