Topic: [Raison-detre of e621] Why Artist make things, Viewers see them, e621 Share them?

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Yeah, This is a question for my project [ ].

The today one is like a philosophy. ¯\_(・ω・)_/¯
It'll be the Final question -- (( -- Well, if Not, then will say like : Remember sully, when I promised to kill you last? - I LIED. ))

~~~ Foremost, I must explain My change of Heart ~~~

I once previously saw a topic like this : What purpose(s) do you use e621 for?
After that, The one year for me was Traveling around this e621 and IRL, Trying to figure out What the world was.

Also, Actually, My project was started in secret.
My principle is to make my work the best it can be, since I am an Artist/Creator.
However, no matter how long I struggled, I could not come up with an image that would do it -- I was lacking something.

... Finally, I found. It's about Emotion, Passion, and Ability to Imagine and Get the best Future !
I still remember How my personality started to change rapidly after I started researching my weaknesses.

Moreover, What I need to get is "Consideration/Compassion for Others who have different Ideas" = "Guessing What others would think".
What made me realize this was a recent visit to workplaces of  ●#P : Many people from overseas  ●#Q : Only Japanese """Adults"""
#P is the best (( just the opposite of #Q )) -- It's always keeping their best, Because they can say Why, and What should do, to each other.

Right now, I am Not very considerate of others, I think. Well, But that'll be better in time :p
What I can say for now is My project is accelerating like fire.

I just thought, There'd be No one to connect these 3 parties All :
●#A : Japanese-Artists ●#B : Japanese Furry-Viewer ●#C : the international-site

YES, I will be the First One -- I will be the "Bridge" of them.
And today, I can imagine There must be something in common between them --- Isn't that Why we're here?

So, Here are my questions.
Everyone must have difference Ideas, so Tell me How you Feel and What you Wish !!

  • #1 : Why would YOU or Artist make things ( works , stories , novels , posts , musics , videos , ... )?
  • #2 : Why would YOU or People want to meet them ?
  • #3 : Why would YOU or Volunteer do whatever you/they wished on e621 ?

↓ (( If you have -- I'll find out #X even there are only #1,2,3 ))

  • #X : What would be the common aspect of #1,2,3 
  • → Why would share them ? (( Yes, "They/Them" means Japanese Content AND Audience ))
  • Raison d'être of e621 = Reason of Why e621 existing ?

  • #Y : Then, What would be the "Wall between Them" ? (( Language? International-Understanding? Or anything else ... ))
~~~ Here are my own answers ~~~

● #1 : I like writing music.  → That's for future my game of my world with my feelings, And for Someone(Furry) to enjoy.
● #2 : I like viewing Furry arts, and hopefully I'll find a good one. →  expression_sheet makes me fun a lot. And rating:e will help me When I want to fa-- *ahem*
● #3 : When I volunteer on, I hope it'll be for the benefit of someone else who is a Furry like me.

● #X : People want to meet/share great works. A lot, and Easily. → To help it, has become a search engine for Furry.

I will go deliver your wishes on your behalf -- Regards. *Fox saluted*


I take it that whenever you use "them" or "they", you are referring to the Japanese content creators and audience.

#1: Just like non-furry content creation in general, there can be many different reasons. Some people do it as a hobby, some do it for making money/income, some just want to be popular, and some others use it as a means to express themselves or their ideas. However, the unifying thing is our shared interest in an aspect of the "furry" fandom, be it general anthropomorphic characters, feral beings, monsters/aliens, the more sexual side of things (i.e., sexuality, orientation, porn/kinks/fetishes, etc.), or just the basic sense of community in general (i.e., being a part of a group/fandom).

#2: I guess so that more Japanese artists would join the Western market. Most furry sites like FurAffinity have a diverse range of artists from around the world, but the Japanese have a knack for creating manga type works which could become very popular in the West should it be translated. Look at Beastars for an example, they even got their own Netflix show.

#3: If you mean by "why would we use e621", it's because the website is one of the largest furry imageboards out there, boasting an impressive tagging system and having well-regulated quality control for artworks.

#X: Interest in furry artworks in general and to some extent the community.

#Y: Language is the main obstacle since not a lot of Japanese know how to speak/read English, let alone understand the intricacies of the website (such as TWYS).

Why would YOU or Artist make things ( works , stories , novels , posts , musics , videos , ... )?

I decided to become an artist because art is a way to give life to thoughts and ideas. If I draw my imaginary world on a canvas, it becomes more "real" in a certain sense.

Why would YOU or People want to meet them ?

Most people who use this site are from North America or Europe and tend to share a similar worldview. The arrival of more international users would hopefully bring new perspectives.

Why would YOU or Volunteer do whatever you/they wished on e621 ?

e621 is sustained by a dedicated community and their efforts provide an excellent service to people who are interested in furry art. Volunteering is a way to thank that community and to become a part of it.

Thank you very much, all three of you, for answering my appeal.

  • >> @TheGreatWolfgang >> Yeah ... awesome -- Lately I've been noticing I can learn "How to have a Good discussion", by watching your way.
  • >> @Azero >> Yes, Following one's heart is good, I think.
  • >> @gattonero2001 >> That's nice, I too will try to learn that mindset, to be a good artist.

Okay, I have got determination. *BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR*

For #1, it's because there's things I want to see, but usually can't afford to commission. And you know what they say about if you want something done.

As an introvert, I don't have an answer for #2.

And #3? Largely because every other art hosting site has failed me miserably in some way or another.

Progress report : Not much forward going on ... due to busy working days ... No good ...

lendrimujina said:
For #1, it's because there's things I want to see, but usually can't afford to commission. And you know what they say about if you want something done.
As an introvert, I don't have an answer for #2.

This fox is an "introvert", too.
Well actually, MBTI = ENTP (E=52%, I=48%), + Enneagram = 8w9 having menacing aura, so I technically am an ''ambiversion'' (( = between introvert and extrovert )), to be exact.
But, Considering myself being a part of Furry/Kemono-fandom and e621, while volunteering for other people of the fandom that includes myself ... That means I am doing it for myself ‐‐ I am a kind of an "introvert", after all.

And #3? Largely because every other art hosting site has failed me miserably in some way or another.

You too have had a difficult past with site selection, I see ... What happened to you?
In my past experience as a music creator on YouTube, I became disillusioned with the corruption of NicoNico-Video (( -- Not only the attitude of the users is bad, but also the attitude of the management is arrogant. Moreover, the creators cannot even defend themselves. ))

Thus when I started working as Furry, I made my site selection and chose e621 tha is Not Pixiv Nor having Pixiv-like corruption -- That is why I am here.


I miss posting in your threads. They're a lot of fun to interact with, but I need to take a lot of time away from e621 these days.

  • #1 & #2: I want myself and others to experience interesting things.
  • #3 & X: e621 is the only platform that functions in the way that it does:
    • Artist Gallery sites (FurAffinity, DeviantArt, InkBunny, Pixiv? etc.) I'll be honest. I don't have much experience with the function of Pixiv!
      • Segregate the work of one artist from another.
      • Lack standardised browsing functionality.
      • Do not offer space for truly open discussion of artwork.
    • Social Media sites (Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
      • Prioritise a progressive flow of in the moment content, instead of easily-navigable histories.
      • Place non-artistic posts in the same location as artistic posts.
      • Do not offer space for truly open discussion of artwork.
    • Chan Boards (fchan, 4chan, etc.)
      • Are often disorganised and impermanent.
      • Are prone to malicious disruption.
    • Other Booru Boards (Rule34 both of them..., Gelbooru, etc.)
      • Boards that allow human-only content will contain a majority of human-only content, which does not interest me.
      • Often have less-functional browsing standardisation than e621.

e621 isn't perfect, with its inflexibility in some tagging aspects, lack of consensus in other tagging aspects, and its increasingly bureaucratically-distant administration, but it's the best place to browse across multiple furry artists at the same time.
I still enjoy other art websites which perform functions e621 cannot. Some of my favourite stories are on Questden, for example.

  • Y:
    • Effectively navigating e621 requires learning a language of its own, separate from standard English. Some words here mean different things than those words might mean somewhere else. I think a lot of native English readers even struggle with this.
      • Not many people enjoy being told they're doing something wrong.
    • I think a lot of artists are dissatisfied with the lack of control e621 allows them to have over their artwork. An artist can request a post to be deleted, or no longer be associated with their name, and ban unapproved users from uploading their work. But that's about it.
      • Some artists have been known to react poorly to their art being downvoted or criticised.
      • Other artists may not appreciate their artwork being displayed alongside controversial content such as young and feral NSFW. (Or NSFW at all!)

A more personal problem; I don't interact with the site much anymore because it always feels like I'm getting in the way, or that nobody cares about things I'd want to help improve. Tagging is also very tiring for me as I tend to be slow and thorough, and I stress a lot about borderlines between different tags.

The language of this is so unusual, but I'll try my best to answer

I'm not a creative type myself. Like, in any form. Even my writing is lacking. As proof, my grades were "min-maxed" in alignment with my talents.
Nothing I make could satisfy me enough to share it. So no, there will be no art coming from me ever.

However, I don't mind showing off art I like (like my profile pic). e6 has been good to me, so I wanted to give back.
Because the more art is spread, the more recognition its creator gets. (Same for TV, movies, etc.)
And Japanese artists in particular don't get much of that overseas due to language barrier, so I anonymously endorse them here. (Created some new artist tags)

As for Y: Never mind the jargon, I'd have thought the law would make this site inaccessible to begin with for Japanese (clearly I'm wrong). There's no good solution for language barrier other than actually learning English or using a translator app. If the tag jargon is the issue, have lots of aliases. (What if we added foreign names for pokemon, for example?)

kurogi_foxsiv said:
Progress report : Not much forward going on ... due to busy working days ... No good ...
This fox is an "introvert", too.
Well actually, MBTI = ENTP (E=52%, I=48%), + Enneagram = 8w9 having menacing aura, so I technically am an ''ambiversion'' (( = between introvert and extrovert )), to be exact.
But, Considering myself being a part of Furry/Kemono-fandom and e621, while volunteering for other people of the fandom that includes myself ... That means I am doing it for myself ‐‐ I am a kind of an "introvert", after all.

You too have had a difficult past with site selection, I see ... What happened to you?
In my past experience as a music creator on YouTube, I became disillusioned with the corruption of NicoNico-Video (( -- Not only the attitude of the users is bad, but also the attitude of the management is arrogant. Moreover, the creators cannot even defend themselves. ))

Thus when I started working as Furry, I made my site selection and chose e621 tha is Not Pixiv Nor having Pixiv-like corruption -- That is why I am here.

Well. DeviantArt got me targeted by a 4chan raid when I was younger. Had to torch that entire online identity.

FurAffinity... I had a bad falling-out with a mutual that I still regret. Also I never know when their policies on anything will change again. I still use it, but... I'm not very happy about it. Also, I tend to be completely ignored there.

Twitter, I had to leave for my health. That place was very literally costing me my sanity.

Tumblr had the whole 2017 collapse and nobody can agree on an adequate replacement for that.

Reddit, I never know where to post a given thing.

I'm too scared of being SWATted to go anywhere near Inkbunny.

And Patreon has gotten as strict as Tumblr from what I hear.

I think that's all the major ones?

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