Topic: Furgonomic eyeglasses

Posted under Art Talk

I was thinking about how most artists draw furry characters with glasses. What do those glasses hold to? It seems in many cases the glasses hold from the cheekbones, but that can put pressure on the eyes.
What do you think furgonomic eyeglasses should be like?

Take the eyepatch approach, they're held on by two/four strings that wrap around the back of the head.

though honestly, considering glasses by design are for convenience I assume that anthros with top mounted ears would probably have some sort of goggles or something akin to a headband for their muzzle depending on how long their face is and how their jaw works, hell maybe a horse would just have some sort of band that went over their mouth and up to near their eyes

or maybe the arms for the glasses would rap around the underside of the ear and over the top to the front for a better hook

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