Topic: WolfFace emoji weirdness

Posted under General

(wasn't sure which forum-category to post this in: going with General, but can move to other category)

Small issue with wolfFace emoji. (and maybe NOT with e621, but just with the laptop i am borrowing)

Copied wolfFace emoji ( )

and copied to description at post #3213667
BUT instead of displaying as wolfFace emoji ...
it displays as a sideways animal head (maybe coyote or kangaroo?)

screengrab of sideways animal head at (12hour temporary hosting ... i assume this is small-ish issue ... so temporary hosting probably sufficient)

Same problem (sideways animal head) if I paste same tweet emoji TO a text file,
but copy-pastes FINE if I copy-paste to a tweet.

SIDE NOTE: I copy-paste part of EssienLion tweet to text file (and text file displays as sideways head), then I paste-paste FROM that text file TO a write-a-tweet field (at Twitter) and it goes back to being normal wolfFace emoji.

Double-checked same e621 webpage using my cellphone, and WolfFace emoji displays NORMAL. YAY! *happyface*

I assume this SMALL issue, but am weirded out by it.

(on the upside: is less stressful then world news)


On closer inspection my cellphone (while looking at that e621 webpage) displays DIFFERENT wolfFaces: (but at least they still wolfFaces)
a) phone's Chrome webbrowser displays the wolfFace at e621 as approximately 80% LIGHT-grey fur, with little smile.) awww. (set to auto-delete after a month)
b) phone's Firefox webbrowser displays the wolfFace at e621 as grumpy wolfface with approx half medium-grey fur)
EDIT: screengrab of grumpy at (also set to auto-delete after a month)

SIDE-NOTE: phone's Firefox (and Twitter app) displays tweet with regular twitter-wolfFace. The Twitter wolfFace is approximately half DARK-grey fur.

(wrote-above, then noticed reply)

deleuzian_cattery said:
(specifically, the gallery of different platforms' renderings of the emoji)

it's the same emoji
it's supposed to be a wolf
yes, Apple's version sucks

Thanks for the reply.

{EDIT: So that emojipedia page has that Chrome wolfface (under "Google").
Emojipedia page doesn't seem to have that Firefox grumpyWolf.
Interesting variety of wolf emojis at that emojipedia page ... hope various of them become standard ... such as smile wolf (Google or Facebook), and howling wolf (emojidex).
Emojipedia page also links to pdf of proposed emojis
including black-and-white wolf.}


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