(wasn't sure which forum-category to post this in: going with General, but can move to other category)
Small issue with wolfFace emoji. (and maybe NOT with e621, but just with the laptop i am borrowing)
Copied wolfFace emoji ( https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f43a.svg )
from (WARNING: Rating: EXPLICIT) https://twitter.com/EssienLion/status/1474552473226416130 (WARNING: Rating: EXPLICIT)
and copied to description at post #3213667
BUT instead of displaying as wolfFace emoji ...
it displays as a sideways animal head (maybe coyote or kangaroo?)
screengrab of sideways animal head at https://uploadpie.com/YI1dSl (12hour temporary hosting ... i assume this is small-ish issue ... so temporary hosting probably sufficient)
Same problem (sideways animal head) if I paste same tweet emoji TO a text file,
but copy-pastes FINE if I copy-paste to a tweet.
SIDE NOTE: I copy-paste part of EssienLion tweet to text file (and text file displays as sideways head), then I paste-paste FROM that text file TO a write-a-tweet field (at Twitter) and it goes back to being normal wolfFace emoji.
Double-checked same e621 webpage using my cellphone, and WolfFace emoji displays NORMAL. YAY! *happyface*
I assume this SMALL issue, but am weirded out by it.
(on the upside: is less stressful then world news)