Topic: Description block won’t open

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Starting this evening, the description block under the image won’t open in mobile on Brave mobile, and is permanently open on Safari (i.e. arrow won’t work) Is anyone else experiencing this? Was working fine this morning. I haven’t checked it on desktop.

jfrankparnell said:
Starting this evening, the description block under the image won’t open in mobile on Brave mobile, and is permanently open on Safari (i.e. arrow won’t work) Is anyone else experiencing this? Was working fine this morning. I haven’t checked it on desktop.

Getting the same thing also on Safari. It seems to effect any description drop down blocks too (i.e. anything with a story in the description) whether it’s open or not depends on your account settings, however it only effects the main description block, and any others will remain locked. Started around the same time as yours as well

*sigh* Seems to be an issue exclusive to iOS. Can you tell me which version you have? I probably won't have access to a device myself, so anything you can tell me will help.

Working fine for me on an iPad running iOS 14.6 - I'll update to 15.4 soon and see whether it breaks or not.

EDIT: Updated to 15.4 and it still seems to be working for me. iOS 15.4 was released on the same day this topic was created though, which seems too much of a coincidence to not be related.


Still on IOS 13, so definitely that’s the issue. Does the same behavior on Brave, so not a browser specific issue. Not a big deal, getting a new phone soon anyway.

earlopain said:
*sigh* Seems to be an issue exclusive to iOS. Can you tell me which version you have? I probably won't have access to a device myself, so anything you can tell me will help.

I can reproduce the issue on Safari on iPhone 6s, iOS 11.3, provided by They give 60 minutes of free testing every month, so if you don't have the right device, you can try that service.
I checked the console while testing and it didn't show any errors about the issue.

jfrankparnell said:
Does the same behavior on Brave, so not a browser specific issue.

Browsers in iOS are only allowed to use WebKit, other browsers are forced to use the same engine as Safari meaning they are basically just reskins. Any issue in Brave will also be an issue in Safari and vice versa.

ebea57 said:
I can reproduce the issue on Safari on iPhone 6s, iOS 11.3, provided by They give 60 minutes of free testing every month, so if you don't have the right device, you can try that service.
I checked the console while testing and it didn't show any errors about the issue.

That site is really cool, I didn't know about that. All the ones I have tried impose ridiculous restrictions like only 1 minute per session or no devtools. While 10 minutes still isn't much it is much better.
Found the issue, in this case I missed a necessary character in a css selector. Newer browsers seem to be more lax in what is allowed, while older ones are a bit more strict. Will be fixed soon.

Forgot about the WebKit thing, used to pay better attention to such Apple nonsense. Thanks to you both (ebea and earlopain) for looking into this!!

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