Topic: Which Furry Artist Would You Pick for an Album Cover?

Posted under Art Talk

Been watching Hivemind's Album Art Tier List videos and those got me wondering.

If you were choosing an artist for your own project or could pick for someone else's, anything from an indie single to best-selling album, any style of art from cutesy to artsy to psychedelic to gorgeous to gritty and dark. for whatever reason: which artist in the community would you like to see do album/single/ep cover art?

I'd personally pick seyorrol. especially for how they incorporate plant life into a lot of of their art and they way that they draw plants; i. cannot. put. into. WORDS!
While their art might fit best for either a psychedelic album or something really dramatic or cinematic or downright GORGEOUS sonically, i could see riding with this artist for many albums regardless of what genre i'd end up going down

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