Topic: New method of translated Translation_request tagged images using Chrome.

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

I haver discovered if you use the image search feature (Hold S and click/Rclick an image) in PC Chrome, you can bring up a translator that grabs all text in images tagged with Translation_request to do the translations yourself. It can be a bit finicky because the "next image" hotkey for E6 is S, but this can usually be gotten around by first clicking the scroll bar to the right of the screen so the hotkey doesn't activate. They can be a little void of original meaning due to idioms, but I find that most translation-request images work fine and are understandable enough for the tool to be utilized for these images. It even normally puts the translations atop the original text.

OCR + machine translation is nice for casual usage, but it's not quite the panacea that the consumers of Japanese content need. Don't rely heavily on it.

dynoboy44 said:
They can be a little void of original meaning due to idioms

That's the least concern for machine translating from Japanese. One of the main issue is how context-dependent the language is. Japanese often prefers to omit words altogether rather than using pronouns, creating ambiguities between I/he/she/we/they/it/you. Also, if a sentence is cut off before it's completed (quite common), you need to use context to infer the missing part. The other major issue is that words don't translate 1-to-1 at all and can sometimes have a gajillion possible translations or require creativity to translate. There's even a LOT of stuff in Japanese that basically translates to nothing in English, but that's less of an issue if you're just trying to get the gist of what the source says (for the record, English has meaningless stuff too. "Dude...", "Y'know..."). The final issue is that Google Translate is simply trash at Japanese. Use DeepL instead if you need to use machine translation for something (But preferably not for translations here. You can use DeepL as a tool to HELP write translations if you know enough Japanese to validate if the translation makes sense)


Downloaded a thing that adds that function to my browser, but it seems to have difficulty with traditional top to bottom, right to left Japanese text.

Google translations wouldn't be welcomed at all anyways. Google's terrible at translations.

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