Topic: Tag alias: stimulation-free_orgasm -> hands-free

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Even though stimulation-free_orgasm doesn't seem to be used much, it shouldn't be removed because, from what I can tell, hands-free allows for stuff like anal and oral, while stimulation-free_orgasm seems to exclude any sort of physical contact. That's just my two-cents on the matter, though.

hands-free just means no direct stimulation of the penis. Anal/prostate stimulation still counts, and I think giving oral would also count as stimulation but still be hands-free.

Though maybe the tag should be aliased away anyway, since it seems there are some mistags (post #1800524 and post #2535785 for example, count as stimulation I think), and the remaining all seem to be some form of hypnosis-enforced orgasm (and I question if hypnosis should count as stimulation, like post #266782 and others with hypnolizards since they do directly touch their "prey", and particularly when it can look more like psychic stimulation as in post #1634543). There is spontaneous_ejaculation for when a characters orgasms/ejaculates without any apparent stimulation.

So IMO, either alias stimulation-free_orgasm -> spontaneous_ejaculation, or implicate stimulation-free_orgasm -> hands-free if stimulation-free_orgasm and spontaneous_ejaculation aren't the same.

(P.S. since some people have a habit of doing it, this is a request to please not hide your post/this thread if it seems like the request won't be accepted; it doesn't cancel the request, it just hides the discussion other people may be having about what to do with the tags in question, and prevents us from being able to point to the discussion we've already had if someone else tries to request something similar).

I think the term hands_free is a bit too lacking in description to really be applicable in a wide variety of situations, and would cause a lot of people to become confused about the meaning of the tag.

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