Topic: Lowkey Sad About the "funny Commentors"

Posted under General

I just wanted to say that I'm lowkey sad about the comment section not being as funny as it used to be in my opinion.
Sometimes I go to the comments to see who's going to be the joker of a post.

I love the art here and sometimes a Joker in the comments makes it better.

But it's just such a bummer that most of the time when I encounter a joker in the comments nowadays, they're either BLOCKED or BANNED.
For what offense?

What else? Creepy Comments sometimes it's true though, some are creepy and some are cringy, but from time to time, they deliver GOLD.
It's just such a bummer that these "comedians" keep getting the ban-hammer...

I laugh...look at the person who made me laugh and then realize that they won't be around to make me laugh anymore in future posts cause they got YEETED and DELETED

can we have a little more transparency when dealing with wannabe should be obvious enough when someone is being just fucking cringy and someone just trying to make people laugh.

IDK, just my opinion, I want to laugh sometimes. Take a joke.
I'm reminded of how I got hit for telling a "Halloween smell my feet joke" and had to dispute it. idk bro, idk.

Let me know what y'all think about these banned/blocked comedians, anyone makes you laugh?
Know anybody like this? I know a decent few, I guess.

I hope Binegon never gets banned...dude is funny, he should make a patreon just to get paid making jokes on e621.

post #3076214

closetpossum said:
Let me know what y'all think about these banned/blocked comedians, anyone makes you laugh?
Know anybody like this? I know a decent few, I guess

I don't feel like taking a stance on this post (mainly since I'm new here, also in part from how I usually use lol_comments for this sort of thing), but could you provide some concrete examples of... dissident funnymen/women/furs, I suppose we could call it? It feels hard to really understand where you're coming from with these points that you seem very passionate about.

closetpossum said:
can we have a little more transparency when dealing with wannabe should be obvious enough when someone is being just fucking cringy and someone just trying to make people laugh

This, though... I think that there's already enough warning about Creepy Comments with proper justification. I assume this is about why something that's being said has potential to be moderator-action material? That I can side with, even if I'm not sure of what part you really dislike.

Somebody eating a record or two for cracking a joke is funny. Somebody leaving enough of those to get banned for it is a sign of a problem.

I got a minute ╹‿╹)~★

While personally got mixed feelings about the jokes made here, Some being original
and good others just being Copy and paste Memes. And even with the good ones,
puts art into a weird light that I'll do my best to avoid, Dood.

I think there's a VERY thin red line between Joking, Trolling And Creepy comments.
Jokes are a Really risky game here since one peep's joke is anothers creepy comment or Troll.
Like defining what is a meme and what isn't, telling if someone is serious or not is incredibly hard
and asking won't get you anywhere since the dood could just hit with "It was just a joke!"
trying to avoid any negative repercussions for whatever possibly hateful thing said or
joke taken too far while using that as a shield for future events, Dood.

Could totally see where the mods are coming from tackling 'em the way they have now.
It's hard to put into words but it's that they have to filter hard on these kinda things
or you'll have wannabe jokers running around rampant, pushing the limits on what a
joke is more and more till comments are just outright saying "This is s**t lolz" and
saying to mods that they were just joking, ya know, Dood?

funeralopolite said:
This, though... I think that there's already enough warning about Creepy Comments with proper justification. I assume this is about why something that's being said has potential to be moderator-action material? That I can side with, even if I'm not sure of what part you really dislike.

it always amazes me how people can come up with the most asinine examples of what not to do, but turn a blind eye to edge cases.

lafcadio said:
Somebody eating a record or two for cracking a joke is funny. Somebody leaving enough of those to get banned for it is a sign of a problem.

please explain? are we not allowed to have fun?

notkastar has a really good point to run with though, so i'll just agree w/ em 100%.


I maintain that the seeming comment trigger-happiness is a symptom of larger issues about the lack of standardization and transparency with this site's policies as a whole.

You can't say "keep off the grass" when most of the grass is invisible and keeps moving.

When it comes to comments specifically, I see "blocked" so much that I thought it was a voluntary title/inside joke for ages. I was like, there can't be THAT many people ACTUALLY BANNED, right?

The problem that's getting jokers banned isn't the funniness of the jokes themselves. Nor is it us trying to have fun. It's the attitude the jokers cop when they're called out when they go too far.

Like it or not, it's a simple fact of comedy that not all of one's jokes are going to be funny and, of the ones that are, someone is going to legitimately take issue with some of them. And then, as Notkastar notes, some "jokes" are really thinly-disguised insults.

Just because a joke is funny doesn't forgive it being inappropriate or offensive. Just because someone didn't like a joke doesn't make them anti-fun. A real comedian tailors their material for their audience and takes responsibility for their jokes when someone legitimately takes offense, walks up to the podium, and smacks them for it. But most jokers aren't real comedians. Take them to task for their bad jokes, and they'll get defensive. Just as a poor artist scoffs, "But it's my style!" when faced with downvotes and criticism, so too does the bad joker snarl, "It was just a joke!" and "OMG! No fun allowed!"

And that's the attitude that gets jokers banned on e621, not the humor of the jokes themselves. A real comedian might get a record or two, but they'd listen to the admins and take positive steps to change their approach and avoid problems. After all, they want people to laugh at their jokes and if someone isn't finding them funny, they want to change that, right? But not the jokers who get banned. Their ego causes them to cop an attitude and fight back against a perceived attack on them. They ignore feedback they don't like, stubbornly continue making their inappropriate jokes despite requests and warnings otherwise, and like an abuser, blame other people and their "lack of humor" instead of accept that the joker themself is in the wrong. That's what really gets them banned.

clawstripe said:
The problem that's getting jokers banned isn't the funniness of the jokes themselves. Nor is it us trying to have fun. It's the attitude the jokers cop when they're called out when they go too far.

Like it or not, it's a simple fact of comedy that not all of one's jokes are going to be funny and, of the ones that are, someone is going to legitimately take issue with some of them. And then, as Notkastar notes, some "jokes" are really thinly-disguised insults.

Just because a joke is funny doesn't forgive it being inappropriate or offensive. Just because someone didn't like a joke doesn't make them anti-fun. A real comedian tailors their material for their audience and takes responsibility for their jokes when someone legitimately takes offense, walks up to the podium, and smacks them for it. But most jokers aren't real comedians. Take them to task for their bad jokes, and they'll get defensive. Just as a poor artist scoffs, "But it's my style!" when faced with downvotes and criticism, so too does the bad joker snarl, "It was just a joke!" and "OMG! No fun allowed!"

And that's the attitude that gets jokers banned on e621, not the humor of the jokes themselves. A real comedian might get a record or two, but they'd listen to the admins and take positive steps to change their approach and avoid problems. After all, they want people to laugh at their jokes and if someone isn't finding them funny, they want to change that, right? But not the jokers who get banned. Their ego causes them to cop an attitude and fight back against a perceived attack on them. They ignore feedback they don't like, stubbornly continue making their inappropriate jokes despite requests and warnings otherwise, and like an abuser, blame other people and their "lack of humor" instead of accept that the joker themself is in the wrong. That's what really gets them banned.

Are these the ones that OP's even talking about, though?

...that's not a rhetorical question; I only began actively talking here recently, so I don't know who's who.

For the record, I do agree that attitude — which I've started to call " The Duckman Defense " due to how often offenders quote/cite/refer to that scene — is no excuse to slip assholishness under a comedic mask, but I genuinely have no idea if that's what's even going on here.


clawstripe said:
It's the attitude the jokers cop when they're called out when they go too far. too does the bad joker snarl, "It was just a joke!" and "OMG! No fun allowed!"

does anyone actually do this?

lendrimujina said:
I maintain that the seeming comment trigger-happiness is a symptom of larger issues about the lack of standardization and transparency with this site's policies as a whole.

You can't say "keep off the grass" when most of the grass is invisible and keeps moving.

When it comes to comments specifically, I see "blocked" so much that I thought it was a voluntary title/inside joke for ages. I was like, there can't be THAT many people ACTUALLY BANNED, right?

(despite spending several hours writing about how fucked the current situation is, I chose not to share it for fear of reprecussions.)

edit: all authority deserves to be questioned no matter what, whether you're a public or private entity, and this is the forum to discuss it.

edit 2: by the way, can you maybe not log out blocked users? I'd like to be able to use my own blacklist/user settings and view actions if I get suspended again; my opinions or grossness shouldn't contribute to being able to view-only the site.


aversioncapacitor' said:
does anyone actually do this?

Not sure about specific persons who had complained about their joke comment being reported as creepy: but, by the amount of creepy comments topics raised in the forum, everybody is kinda tired about hearing about it over and over again.
Thus, any topic that questions the rule of creepy comments would instantly get surrounded by disdain.

Regardless, if one gets a (most likely) neutral record for being creepy for the first time, it may not be wise to keep repeating their behaviour and potentially get slapped with a negative for the second time.

Joke sexual comments, especially in the roleplay format, are already skirting the lines of the Creepy Comments & Roleplay rules. Some may find it funny, others may find it creepy. And when it does get reported for being creepy, then it's really up to the mods to decide how strict/lenient they are going to enforce those rules.

(despite spending several hours writing about how fucked the current situation is, I chose not to share it for fear of reprecussions.)

edit: all authority deserves to be questioned no matter what, whether you're a public or private entity, and this is the forum to discuss it.

edit 2: by the way, can you maybe not log out blocked users? I'd like to be able to use my own blacklist/user settings and view actions if I get suspended again; my opinions or grossness shouldn't contribute to being able to view-only the site.

Yes, there is a problem that rules are not specific and are overly broad/flexible/in the grey area, but it is for good reason to stop people from deliberately skirting and testing the possibilities to the rule.

Also, isn't that the definition of being banned? You aren't supposed to interact at all with your current account (such as posting, commenting or editing) for the duration of the ban. You can still view the site using a guest account though.
You may use an alt account you have created prior to the ban (see topic #29700), but you should heavily restrict all of your activities on the site (i.e., using it only to view) since it can be considered Circumventing a Suspension / Ban as per the Code of Conduct if you had continued commenting.
However, creating any alt accounts during your ban duration may result in an instant permaban on all of your accounts, regardless of whether you had used it or not.


clawstripe said:
The problem that's getting jokers banned isn't the funniness of the jokes themselves. Nor is it us trying to have fun. It's the attitude the jokers cop when they're called out when they go too far.

Like it or not, it's a simple fact of comedy that not all of one's jokes are going to be funny and, of the ones that are, someone is going to legitimately take issue with some of them. And then, as Notkastar notes, some "jokes" are really thinly-disguised insults.

Just because a joke is funny doesn't forgive it being inappropriate or offensive. Just because someone didn't like a joke doesn't make them anti-fun. A real comedian tailors their material for their audience and takes responsibility for their jokes when someone legitimately takes offense, walks up to the podium, and smacks them for it. But most jokers aren't real comedians. Take them to task for their bad jokes, and they'll get defensive. Just as a poor artist scoffs, "But it's my style!" when faced with downvotes and criticism, so too does the bad joker snarl, "It was just a joke!" and "OMG! No fun allowed!"

And that's the attitude that gets jokers banned on e621, not the humor of the jokes themselves. A real comedian might get a record or two, but they'd listen to the admins and take positive steps to change their approach and avoid problems. After all, they want people to laugh at their jokes and if someone isn't finding them funny, they want to change that, right? But not the jokers who get banned. Their ego causes them to cop an attitude and fight back against a perceived attack on them. They ignore feedback they don't like, stubbornly continue making their inappropriate jokes despite requests and warnings otherwise, and like an abuser, blame other people and their "lack of humor" instead of accept that the joker themself is in the wrong. That's what really gets them banned.

I think this is a very good explanation of what happen with certain users.

For some users, "fun" would be that they would be allowed to "make fun... of others", that in the sense of ridicule and offend.

Still, this is a theme that resurface again and again in this forum, non the least by our friend ClosetPossum. I think that the issue have some depth...

There should be a distinction between "fun" (humor), "fun" (entertainment), and its relation with "interaction" and "community".

e6 have the primary goal, to be an "Furry / Anthropomorfic Art Archive" ... that's OK, and in my opinion, it does it even better as the time passes.

However, many people enter here, with the hope of fiding also "fun" (be it in the form simple humor or entertainment). There would be others that, maybe, would want to also find the oportunity to interact more with other users and artists, or even encounter some kind of "community".

The problem, is that specially in THESE times, a lot of people do not know how to interact with other people with a minimum decorum, or without saying things that may be offensive, disgusting or rude, if not to all, to some groups of people. And maybe (maybe) that history make some "law enforcers" in this site to react harsh and swiftly against offenders.

I myself one of those that, besides coming here to enjoy Furry Art, would like to see more interaction among users, but respectul and interesting (not certainly, by what is called here "creepy comments", that have no content).

That is my wish... but I repeat, that are the Admins and moderators of this forum the ones that "have the pulse" of what's going on, and of the policies and actions better suited for the continuation of the site.


thegreatwolfgang said:
Also, isn't that the definition of being banned? You aren't supposed to interact at all with your current account (such as posting, commenting or editing) for the duration of the ban. You can still view the site using a guest account though.

Viewing the site while logged out does not grant the same permission set as a “minimum interaction”, view-only usage of the site, which is why I mention it. There are a number of features not available to users without an account that would otherwise be able to be seen without affecting the experience of other users. And that’s still not addressing that user settings, avatars and favourites do not save between computers if you were logged out. It’s especially true for whichever moral dictation the mods want to have here; on an archive that should be neutral ground.

The impression I get from posts by the mod team implies less so the technical debt of implementing this and more that they don’t want to. Having to use an alt to get around that technical debt just seems like bad practice, and isn’t something I’m up for doing.

Wasn’t it derpibooru or rule34 that had more fine-grained control over whether a user is either globally blocked or only blocked from editing comments, posts, etc. specifically?


aversioncapacitor' said:
Wasn’t it derpibooru or rule34 that had more fine-grained control over whether a user is either globally blocked or only blocked from editing comments, posts, etc. specifically?

I don't think we have that kind of mute or cooldown feature, at least for older accounts.
New members cannot upload or post anything on their first week here, but they can still browse and favourite posts.
After that, the most in terms of selective restrictions is through manipulation of the upload limit, i.e., admins setting them to 0 essentially means you cannot upload anything.

Everything else is dealt with through the use of bans instead, which just blocks access globally.

thegreatwolfgang said:
[...]by the amount of creepy comments topics raised in the forum, everybody is kinda tired about hearing about it over and over again.
Thus, any topic that questions the rule of creepy comments would instantly get surrounded by disdain.

Isn't the amount of people who complain about something possibly (though not inherently) a sign that it is, in fact, a serious problem that's not being addressed?

People getting annoyed with an argument being brought up repeatedly does not automatically make that argument invalid.

thegreatwolfgang said:
Yes, there is a problem that rules are not specific and are overly broad/flexible/in the grey area, but it is for good reason to stop people from deliberately skirting and testing the possibilities to the rule.

I disagree with that being a good reason. Or at the very least, it's probably the worst possible way to deal with that being an issue. The way things are now, people honestly think they're following the rules to both letter and spirit, only to get banned anyway.

Most rule systems with websites I've seen do have clauses to address people that are intentionally trying to find loopholes to solve that problem of people testing the boundaries instead.

lendrimujina said:
I disagree with that being a good reason. Or at the very least, it's probably the worst possible way to deal with that being an issue. The way things are now, people honestly think they're following the rules to both letter and spirit, only to get banned anyway.

People don't just get banned for a creepy comment. The first creepy comment will get you a neutral record, which has no effect other than noting you broke the rules. After 6 months of not breaking the same rule, it gets deleted1. Break the same rule again in that time frame, and you get a negative record2. Do it again, and you get another negative record3. Break it a fourth time, then you get a temp ban. You have to go out of your way to get banned for creepy comments. If it's not obvious to you what it was that was wrong with the comment, you can ask. But quite often I just see people complain "Millcore's targeting me!" (even though she's just responding to tickets by users), or "It wasn't creepy!", or "It had upvotes!"

1 It doesn't get deleted automatically; you can either poke an admin about it, or they may delete it themselves if they see it on their own.
2 Negative records also decay to neutral after 6 months of not breaking the rule again. And 6 months after that, it's deleted.
3 You may get the banned before the fourth infraction if it's obvious you're disregarding what you're told.

closetpossum said:

I hope Binegon never gets banned...

whew, good thing that never happened haha...

In all seriousness though, comedy is subjective, so what may be funny to some people may be uncomfortable for others. The "Creepy Comments" rule still applies due to the latter cases, in particular if the artist of the particular image is offended, given that creepy comments have on occasion driven away artists, resulting in their DNP status.

Of course, that isn't to say that comedy as a whole isn't allowed on this site, but you gotta be smart about it: phrasing is the key factor in a successful joke, and is the difference between it being interpreted as jest rather than being seen as creepy. The comment should also be in decent taste, and most importantly, should not contain reference to yourself or your own desires. As odd as it may seem, very few people wanna imagine what a sweaty gamer nerd wants to do sexually with a cartoon animal-person.

So yes, while the commenting rules seem restrictive (and quite frankly, should probably list some examples of "Dos and Don'ts" to make things more obvious) they are there to make sure the comment sections stay civilized. It makes commenting more difficult, but mark of an experienced commenter is knowing what and how to say things to avoid posting cringe and losing subscriber account privileges. To be honest, the same applies to real life, so maybe it's a good learning experience such that going forward you don't end up sounding like a weirdo in a public situation :P

thegreatwolfgang said:
Yes, there is a problem that rules are not specific and are overly broad/flexible/in the grey area, but it is for good reason to stop people from deliberately skirting and testing the possibilities to the rule.

This is possibly the worst reasoning I have yet seen. Isn't the goal to have people not break the rules, which is only possible if they know what those rules are? The only thing that will result from having ambiguous and unclear rules is that more questionable power will be concentrated to few people who decide who gets banned and who doesn't.

supina said:
This is possibly the worst reasoning I have yet seen. Isn't the goal to have people not break the rules, which is only possible if they know what those rules are? The only thing that will result from having ambiguous and unclear rules is that more questionable power will be concentrated to few people who decide who gets banned and who doesn't.

It's because folks like to push the envelope and try to be edgy and see how much they can get away with. Like saying 'It isn't breaking the rules because it's close to X or Y'. For the most part, they can't have black/white things because everyone will have a different understanding on something, (regardless how one word/phrase it). See some of the topics on the forums and you'll see folks talking about how X or Y should/shouldn't be on the site or allow at all. There isn't always be a set of rules that everyone has the same understanding.

People here either can't take a joke
my humor is just too morally grey and edgy and not accepted by people here.
Everyone I laugh at is either banned or blocked.

And I myself am one of those people so now I can't even comment in fear that one of my so-called "JOKES"
are put into speculation that "they're not jokes" and gets me banned.
Even if a person tells a good joke sometimes it goes over the user's head and they get downvoted.
Like, does anyone understand sarcasm here?

Yeah, maybe I'm just too edgy, geez. You can look at my record.
All my jokes are "breaking the rules"
So I'm just gonna shut up.

Literally, half the fun of being here and browsing good art is gone for me!
It's like there's 0 transparency and everything is BLACK and WHITE.
When I think I'm following the rules and thinking "This is ok"

BAM, it's fukin NOT!
It's like I'm on YT when the bots are pickin up flags and saying
I'm being bad or a menace to the platform when I'm's frustrating.


mexicanfurry said:
I think this is a very good explanation of what happen with certain users.

For some users, "fun" would be that they would be allowed to "make fun... of others", that in the sense of ridicule and offend.

Still, this is a theme that resurface again and again in this forum, non the least by our friend ClosetPossum. I think that the issue have some depth...

There should be a distinction between "fun" (humor), "fun" (entertainment), and its relation with "interaction" and "community".

e6 have the primary goal, to be an "Furry / Anthropomorfic Art Archive" ... that's OK, and in my opinion, it does it even better as the time passes.

However, many people enter here, with the hope of fiding also "fun" (be it in the form simple humor or entertainment). There would be others that, maybe, would want to also find the oportunity to interact more with other users and artists, or even encounter some kind of "community".

The problem, is that specially in THESE times, a lot of people do not know how to interact with other people with a minimum decorum, or without saying things that may be offensive, disgusting or rude, if not to all, to some groups of people. And maybe (maybe) that history make some "law enforcers" in this site to react harsh and swiftly against offenders.

I myself one of those that, besides coming here to enjoy Furry Art, would like to see more interaction among users, but respectul and interesting (not certainly, by what is called here "creepy comments", that have no content).

That is my wish... but I repeat, that are the Admins and moderators of this forum the ones that "have the pulse" of what's going on, and of the policies and actions better suited for the continuation of the site.

Maybe I am a picture perfect example of a "Joker on Defense"
But someone like me who HAS read the rules MORE TIMES than...okay maybe like 3 or 4 times now
Can be upset when they think a joke is funny then finds out it's not because the rules that the joke MAY HAVE breached ultimately gets breached.

RP and Trolling, my new shiny records.


Like...these rules are so subjective to interpretation and it's only worse when it's a BOT giving me the marks through Auto Moderation.
Is there no human looking at these and thinking "Yes, this was a joke"

And the people here always say. "Well the joker isn't funny and hiding their hate-speech and whatever through a guise of telling jokes"
Well, how am I supposed to say a "harmless joke" when essentially any joke can be interpreted as breaking the rules?
It's too BROAD, if there's a line, it's faded to the point a user can't see where the LINE IS!.

I'm so tired...these records make me feel like the site is saying I'm a menace here when I'm not.
Nobody even thinks I'm being a bad person. The things I'm saying are taken to the extreme I would say.

If I'm corny then just downvote me, but RP and TROLLING?

Tryin my darndest to be a good Noodle, waited months to comment.
I come back, say some (apparently, not funny stuff) and I'm back in the RED
post #2006293

What saddens me is how over-important the comment section has become on this website. It honestly feels more important to some people than the content they're commenting on - like the art is just a spark that ignites a line of comments that are, somehow, the real reason people come here.

It's depressing. More than half the time I pop down to the comments to see what people have to say about an art piece, and it's a toss-up between generic "this is good" comments and a bunch of idiots trying to be funny for green updoots.

I might end up disabling the entire comment system if it keeps going in that direction, who knows.

closetpossum said:
wall of drama

might be time to step away from the website for a while if it's getting to your head this much.

closetpossum said:

ya got nicked cause you said e621 doesn't respect artists rights for others not to repost their work.

closetpossum said:

don't talk to the characters.

qwazzy said:
What saddens me is how over-important the comment section has become on this website. It honestly feels more important to some people than the content they're commenting on - like the art is just a spark that ignites a line of comments that are, somehow, the real reason people come here.

It's depressing. More than half the time I pop down to the comments to see what people have to say about an art piece, and it's a toss-up between generic "this is good" comments and a bunch of idiots trying to be funny for green updoots.

I might end up disabling the entire comment system if it keeps going in that direction, who knows.



closetpossum said:
Maybe I am a picture perfect example of a "Joker on Defense"
But someone like me who HAS read the rules MORE TIMES than...okay maybe like 3 or 4 times now
Can be upset when they think a joke is funny then finds out it's not because the rules that the joke MAY HAVE breached ultimately gets breached.

RP and Trolling, my new shiny records.


Like...these rules are so subjective to interpretation and it's only worse when it's a BOT giving me the marks through Auto Moderation.
Is there no human looking at these and thinking "Yes, this was a joke"

And the people here always say. "Well the joker isn't funny and hiding their hate-speech and whatever through a guise of telling jokes"
Well, how am I supposed to say a "harmless joke" when essentially any joke can be interpreted as breaking the rules?
It's too BROAD, if there's a line, it's faded to the point a user can't see where the LINE IS!.

I'm so tired...these records make me feel like the site is saying I'm a menace here when I'm not.
Nobody even thinks I'm being a bad person. The things I'm saying are taken to the extreme I would say.

If I'm corny then just downvote me, but RP and TROLLING?

Tryin my darndest to be a good Noodle, waited months to comment.
I come back, say some (apparently, not funny stuff) and I'm back in the RED
post #2006293

You literally openly actively said that dnp rules dont matter facetiously. Most of your comments are facetious.

Youre not mad people "cant take a joke", we can. For it to be a joke it has to be funny. Youre acting like a 14 year old who just discovered forums and are mad that youre not given free reign to be shitty to people.

The problem is you.

closetpossum said:
Like, does anyone understand sarcasm here?

Well... Just don't use sarcasm in text form. There is no way to detect it. A lot of people don't even get it IRL, even if they can hear the pronunciation.
(formatting and smileys could help, but I wouldn't push my luck if I were you.)

qwazzy said:
...and it's only worse when it's a BOT giving me the marks through Auto Moderation...

I doubt there is a bot going through the comments. The ticket queue is already filled with unnecessary stuff + the unnecessary stuff has a description, most of the time. Bots don't do descriptions.

dubsthefox said:
I doubt there is a bot going through the comments. The ticket queue is already filled with unnecessary stuff + the unnecessary stuff has a description, most of the time. Bots don't do descriptions.

Jesus christ, i've never seen the queue before, and just the first few has already given me brain damage. I can honestly understand some of the crankiness of the admins.

Interesting. I didn't realize the queue was public, but I never looked.

I understand the stance of this topic, but as others said there's a fine line between trying to be funny, creepy comments, and just complete irrelevance. This was actually meant to be a 100% lurker account but eventually I felt like I better understood what kinds of comments are safe to post without risking being banned.

Trying to comment seriously on explicit images is more challenging. It seems there is a razor thin edge between "creepy comment" and "discussion of the subject matter of the image." The red line seems to be "don't insert yourself or others directly into your comparisons, reference personal experiences, or role play" but I've seen a couple (which naturally I don't know of off hand) that surprised me got counted as creepy in that they didn't role play or self-insert but merely expressed being a fan of the subject matter. Some of the creepy comments are obvious, but looking at that queue the moderators clearly don't have much time to decide per comment.

How quickly things look to escalate from suspension to permaban is the more interesting thing, but of course a blocked profile's record doesn't paint the entire picture of their long-term behavior (such as persistent goading and belligerence) and there's probably more to the story sometimes. I've mostly looked at those records to get a better understanding of what in particular is not allowed.

benjiboyo said:
Jesus christ, i've never seen the queue before, and just the first few has already given me brain damage. I can honestly understand some of the crankiness of the admins.

yeah, back in like ~2018 there'd be maybe a dozen active tickets at a time, so we used to be able to report tagging abuse to deal with a tag war and generally you'd have a response within 24 hours or so. but now at this point I'd kinda feel bad about even adding to the workload.

tldr for everyone/breaking news: A (possibly underage) e621 user tries to be funny very hard, ends up coming out as an asshole because neither him nor their edgy joke were funny, doesn't understand they're being shitty to people and ends up bringing a fairly valid point. Which doesn't make them right, but alas.

Versperus, this reminds me of r/im14andthisisdeep. This guy would probably post quotes from Joker on deep and meaningful Instagram pages. (After his unfunny "jokes".)

Anyways. I commented on some art earlier that was supposed to be a funny"joke" but ends up being hate art over someone mad about protogen visors being built a specific way.

This website could use the removal of the commemt section. We have a report button, anyways, and without wannabe comedians, much less tickets might be opened.

gayprotogen said:
Versperus, this reminds me of r/im14andthisisdeep. This guy would probably post quotes from Joker on deep and meaningful Instagram pages. (After his unfunny "jokes".)

Anyways. I commented on some art earlier that was supposed to be a funny"joke" but ends up being hate art over someone mad about protogen visors being built a specific way.

This website could use the removal of the commemt section. We have a report button, anyways, and without wannabe comedians, much less tickets might be opened.

i really don't think this warrants the outright removal of the entire comment system. yeah, sure, sometimes people try too hard to be funny and the conversation becomes hostile, but that's no reason to get rid of the whole thing. it's still a way for people to come together and create genuine conversation. that, i think, holds meaning for a lot of people including me, and i'd hate to see it all just be taken away.

garfieldfromgarfield said:

wall of text

True. I did sort of exaggerate on that comment. But it would be a lot easier on staff.

Hey, at least we can sometimes still make some snarky responses to the average furry porn enjoyer who did not read the rules regarding creepy comments.


Can you all please point to specific examples your view/opinion/impression is based on (@ClosetPossum and so on).

lendrimujina said:
When it comes to comments specifically, I see "blocked" so much that I thought it was a voluntary title/inside joke for ages. I was like, there can't be THAT many people ACTUALLY BANNED, right?

I get the feeling some of the commenters here think that a "banned" next to a comment means the user got banned because of the comment they're currently looking at...

So far I've seen at most a few banned users where I saw no reason at all for the ban (of course only after looking at the users "feedback list").
Some are edge cases but it's impossible to not have those with rules which can't possibly be 100% right and perfectly applicable all the time (where something lands on the scale from troll to fun isn't calculable with 100% mathematical precision).

Same goes for all rules on e6 (just my opinion):
- If they are too specific trolls will post stuff that should fall under some rules but doesn't because they specifically designed it to circumvent those same rules on technicalities.
- If they are too broad you get frustrated users (and so on ...).

IMHO the current balance between those two is okay(ish).
I have some grievances (eg male+girly vs. gynomorph) but this is the wrong thread to discuss those.

One huge caveat with my opinion/impression is that I mostly hang out around zootopia - so my exposure to other parts of e6 is relatively small.

Versperus said:

hi hmm yes i am very smart here small one havre some basic html knowledge you somehow forgot even though you remembered it after I told you that lolol dumb

nailed it. x3

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