Topic: Tag Implication: artificial_insemination -> insemination

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

After looking into this, I don't think we need insemination as a separate tag.

We already have impregnation for when it's successful in creating a pregnancy. We have fertilization for specifically when sperm is visually shown to be entering the ovum. We already have various cum_inside* tags for when it's only introducing the sperm to the female/herm/cuntboy reproductive tract. (And while it's pointless to inseminate without fertility, in many cases it would still be insemination. By definition, insemination only requires intention to impregnate, not competency at doing it successfully). And we also have artificial_insemination for when the sperm is being introduced through artificial methods to the female/herm/cuntboy reproductive tract.

In the four months since this was suggested, the tag insemination hasn't been used for anything except one picture of artificial_insemination. I don't see any need for insemination as an umbrella tag. And most of the related tags would only apply a percentage of the time, which is not enough to implicate them to it even if we did make it an umbrella tag. I'm also not sure what added search benefits an umbrella tag for all insemination could give the site. I think the several other tags we have already cover most aspects of this set of kinks without adding a new tag to it.

So, after all of this, I decided to delete this implication and instead alias insemination to --> artificial_insemination. I don't think it's likely to ever be used for anything else. And the fact it's aliased to --> artificial_insemination should make it amply clear what the tag is being used for here if someone ever wonders about it.

Updated by anonymous