Topic: How Do You Cope With Reality

Posted under Off Topic

How do you cope with the fact you will never have a relationship/sex with the character(s) you enjoy the most?
Some of you are probably attracted to real humans but this question is largely targeted toward those that are primarily attracted to fictional characters.

well one could create a fursona, then turn it into a fursuit the- oh wait, you mean for cheap, uh... I don't...?

I imagine most healthy human beings have the ability to distinguish reality from fiction and treat it the same way as looking at an attractive actor/actress.

I can't remember a time that I've wanted a (romantic) relationship with a fictional character in the past several years, so this might not be much help...
I go doomer. I make nofap a fun competition, breaking records and 'zat. Personally, my trust issues lead me to think about the risks of such a relationship (there's still many positives, for sure).
Sometimes, if more of a platonic admiration than anything, I also think about the qualities of the character that some people I know IRL have.

Oooo~ This is going to be a really interesting thread, Dood!

While I'm not the target peep for this, unfortunately
I could see peeps doing what cutefox123 said

cutefox123 said:
well one could create a fursona, then turn it into a fursuit

Going for a Fursona to feel a more romantic (And in cases "Physical" ◠‿╹)~★
connection between the character and the peep in question.

votp said:
I imagine most healthy human beings have the ability to distinguish reality from fiction and treat it the same way as looking at an attractive actor/actress.

^This too, Dood
But instead of looking at actor/actress your giving Bowser the ol' moony eyes haha~!
post #2502682

funeralopolite said:
Sometimes, if more of a platonic admiration than anything, I also think about the qualities of the character that some people I know IRL have.

^Totally This, Dood
I could totally see peep seeing anthro characters as a melting pot of charaterisc they'd
love to see in others like Muscles, Plump Buns and so on all wrapped up in a
fluffy fantasy XIII package. Mainly because I see 'em like that, m8

votp said:
I imagine most healthy human beings have the ability to distinguish reality from fiction and treat it the same way as looking at an attractive actor/actress.

Completely agree... however, it may take time for some Furries to attain that level of conscience... if ever.

Nice to see you again here.


How do you cope with the fact you will never have a relationship/sex with the character(s) you enjoy the most?
Some of you are probably attracted to real humans but this question is largely targeted toward those that are primarily attracted to fictional characters.

I was attracted first to furries than humans, say, at 13, 14. They made me see a beauty and goodness that I didn't see in humans back then (and now).

However, I grew up, controlled better my life, began to have sex with humans... but still, I see in Furrries something that I do not see in humans normaly.

But.. Furries are created by humans (that is undeniable, they do not come directly from a Topus Uranus, so to speak). So I guess, that although I do not see it in real life, there is something in humans, deep inside, that is not that evil.




Former Staff

>tfw there will never be a sapient bed offering you dinner and therapy

why even live

mexicanfurry said:
Completely agree... however, it may take time for some Furries to attain that level of conscience... if ever.

Nice to see you again here.


I like to imagine the "the fuck is wrong with you" furries mostly dwell on Twitter these day.

If I hadn't hoofed my dumb ass to Sweden when the first wave happened, might not have been here to see now the second wave has.

votp said:
I like to imagine the "the fuck is wrong with you" furries mostly dwell on Twitter these day.

As a twitter user, this is true

This is... not what I thought this thread was going to be about.

Like... I have trouble coping with reality, in, like... every area but this.

azero said:

2nded. I don't do the copium.
It won't help you escape the facts of life.

But with this specific example, it's an idle fantasy at best.
When anything else takes precedence, it's not even a concern.

lendrimujina said:
This is... not what I thought this thread was going to be about.

Like... I have trouble coping with reality, in, like... every area but this.

The reverse case, is off course also very interesting.

A topic could be opened with the title: "How Furry Art and Community save me from lose myself in drugs".

Reality is complex and paradoxical.


Video games. Minor victories like getting a good shave or doing the dishes. Sleep (although I just had an unhealthy amount of it last night, nearly 12 hours...) and short, frequent breaks. Talking about it with friends or when it's relevant. Venting out the bad emotions through music or stories (aka, catharsis). And there are plenty of other ways that I either don't have access to, or deliberately choose not to do, like doing lapidary (hobbies) for the former & physical exertion in the gym (working out) for the latter. Hell, medically speaking masturbation or sex can be good for you, but it can also be bad for you as it is highly circumstantial.

For context's sake: I have Autism (Asperger Syndrome, specifically), two forms of epilepsy that prevents me from operating any motorized vehicle legally speaking, and these both basically mean I can't get a job or travel anywhere on my own. So, how do I cope with reality? I don't, I just exist and let it pass by me. I try to be a positive influence on others, so I can leech those positive emotions for myself...

How Do You Cope With Reality

Not well. Largely by ignoring it. YouTube and e621 are pretty good for that... Oh, you meant something else...

godofcringe said:
How do you cope with the fact you will never have a relationship/sex with the character(s) you enjoy the most?
Some of you are probably attracted to real humans but this question is largely targeted toward those that are primarily attracted to fictional characters.

That's kinda the point. Through the powers of anxiety, I spend my life avoiding socializing. Real-life sex and romance definitely aren't on my radar, nor are they things I really want.


cutefox123 said:
well one could create a fursona, then turn it into a fursuit the- oh wait, you mean for cheap, uh... I don't...?

To me, my "sona" is just a mask. So, put on masks.

By having no desire to have a partner, sexual or romantic.

I know this sounds pretty depressing, but I'm actually quite content with the single life. Granted, circumstances might change later on in life, but for now I'm happy with it.

godofcringe said:
How do you cope with the fact you will never have a relationship/sex with the character(s) you enjoy the most?
Some of you are probably attracted to real humans but this question is largely targeted toward those that are primarily attracted to fictional characters.

If you haven't come to terms to the fact that you're not going to hook up with every single person you want to by the time you reach adulthood, you probably require the attention of a therapist.

ratte said:
>tfw there will never be a sapient bed offering you dinner and therapy

why even live

don't forget the snacks


By putting my character in more transformation scenarios, commissioning a hell of a lot of art. By having friends IRL and "becoming" my character at conventions twice a year. A man can dream, and I do, about things being a reality but I know it'll never come true. At least I can enjoy the fantasy through art and literature.

Interestingly, this is a full circle issue for me. I got into furry stuff to cope with the fact that there were things in life I could not have. Now, this website is a storefront filled with delicacies that I may only gaze longingly at through the glass. If only there were a switch I could flip that just created acceptance as easily as light, but it's unfortunately an obnoxious amount of effort, and "personal growth", and "you're really making a lot of progress" from my therapist.

Ultimately, I don't think it's structurally any different than fantasies of adventure, violence, intrigue, and mystery we enjoy vicariously through a fictional character in art, shows, and games. For the most part, humans seem pretty on top of accepting those as fantasies and enjoying them as such with no major regrets. (Well, there are some regrets, but we don't admit them publicly for fear of being ostracized and locked away and having movies made about us being abnormal and dangerous when we're really not. But in general, those are somewhat easier subjects for us to manage.) Once sex and romance get involved, something in our expectations often shifts that makes them unsatisfying as just fantasies. My best understanding of brains is that framing this stuff in one's thinking like any other fantasy of dueling in a pirate ship or beep-boxing with Samwise Gamgee (that one is normal, right? Please tell me that one is normal) is a good way to get our brains to say "oh I get it, that's fine" and achieve real acceptance of what they are. Once your brain is on board, then you can enjoy swashbuckling and dropping the beat and yiffing away without all the dissonance.

Of course none of that applies to me. Following one's own advice is for losers. I will take my unhappiness to the grave.

Somehow the initial post has a bit of flavor of a joke... but the title in general sounds more serious, if you broaden the perspective:

"How do you cope with Reality".

I believe that most of us are far from the stereotype of "the freak in the basement of his/her parents house"... but I also believe, that most of us are a bit "excentric", are we not?

For me there is no problem in appreciating something like furry art, and furry erotic art, and even appreciate it in the way most people look at regular porn.

But to take is as a SURROGATE to a relation with another human(s)?


I know that human relationships are risky, in terms of emotional, financial, effort and even health (STDs)... and what not. Sometimes the current circumstances along the life of a person prevent that from happening... or even made them not advisable at certain times.... but, as an IDEAL for the long term or for the rest of the life?

I know that some current ideologies call for that, and invent new terms purporting that such conditions exists. And they may exist... but it is not how 99% of of humans are constructed. Not even Furries.

I believe that one has to be EXTREMELY carful in questioning himself / herself about what it really wants for life, in that regard.

I see a lot of vital desperation and lonliness of furries emerging from time to time here, even in this very forum, even when we claim, that we are people that gives hugs for no reason to anyone around.


While it is an issue since it would be nice to speak to plenty of fictional characters and befriend them, what I honestly do it just sit on discord and play games where they exist. It makes me happy to see em and sure most of it is my own imagination, some stories that I have for my own in game characters, I just don't tell anyone and idk cope I guess.

Most of the time it's pretty easy, but I'm used to loneliness and thanks to this I live everyday knowing that it will never happen anything. Moreover I'm asexual.

I cope with paintball I put all my rage out in paintball I mean it’s fun every time it just that it hurts feting shot with eltric guns that’s my way with copeing

I thought this thread was going to be about the existential angst inherent to the human condition, or the unfairness of success and failure in our society, or the death of God as a moral compass, but no, it's about not being able to fuck a humanoid wolf or something. I guess that's tough too.

vulpes_artifex said:
I thought this thread was going to be about the existential angst inherent to the human condition, or the unfairness of success and failure in our society, or the death of God as a moral compass, but no, it's about not being able to fuck a humanoid wolf or something. I guess that's tough too.

Who would have time for existential dread if you had a thicc goth fox girlfriend to cuddle with?

My way of coping is just creating my own visual fantasies and drowning in imagination before sleeping.
Getting some plushies sound like a good way to cope as well.

vulpes_artifex said:
I thought this thread was going to be about the existential angst inherent to the human condition,

We all have been "thrown" to existance. But at least we have the choice not to make that existance worst that it should be.

... or the unfairness of success and failure in our society,

How could we say that "society is unfair" regarding one success? One's condition has always an explanation, even if that explanation turns out to be "chance".

Success in Capitalism is mostly question of resilence and chance. A bit condimented with I.Q. , or if your parents made a reasonable effort to educate you, things like that.

Sometimes there will be bad times, for society in general or the individual. And not all success is merely to have, say, fame or wealth. It depends of what you appreciate in something, or not.

Have to be said, but some people simply give up in every aspect of life . Guess that is an "option" too. But there, I don't see many wearing the rags of a fursuit.

or the death of God as a moral compass,

That problem already has been addressed by Nietzche and followers, lots of years ago. The answer is to be able to create your own values.

but no, it's about not being able to fuck a humanoid wolf or something. I guess that's tough too.

These site is about million pictures of humanoid chimeras of wolves, foxes, avians and reptiles, f*cking and being f*cked. I believe those are worthy dreams, that somehow address a bit of the "angst" that you mention at the beginning. Or so I feel it.

I have my friends to anchor me down, but if they're not around then I play video games, watch YouTube, or, in more dire situations, I take a hot bath. If none of these work, I jerk it to get rid of stress. I wouldn't know what to do if jerking it didn't help, but I guess that's what's branching out to new people is for.

Oh, this is a lovely time capsule, hahaha~!

While I don't identify with the point topic, At the
time of typing I am perfectly happy playing
single-player for an abundance of better phrases.
When I'm just having a bad day or just feeling bluer
Than Blooregard Q. Kazoo

I'd do like mercuryjungten does and I find a peep
I can trust to let them know just how I feel.
Even if they just sit and listen, Knowing that there
will always be someone who'd be willing to hear out your
troubles is very reassuring.
post #4094151

And I'm not just talking about family members or close friends.
Hotlines for peeps just falling exist and it's completely free 24/7 Too.
Life Changers in a pinch, Dood!

Aside from that, When I feel a mood coming on, I stop whatever
I'm doing, Make space so I can do something fun! It's not a distraction,
it's not coping, It's solving! Now get off your buns and play a round, Dood~!

godofcringe said:
How do you cope with the fact you will never have a relationship/sex with the character(s) you enjoy the most?

all I want is a cute guy who I love and who loves me
the rest can be filled in by our imagination

Deluded myself into applying real life texture pack (super duper advanced hallucination) that everyone around me and myself are various anthropomorphic species, mostly based on their personality.

For me it’s not about relationship or sex with character, but feeling male energy by seeing such images. Mostly it increases phycological health since manly feeling combines quite good with male organism.

Well, I... Actually believe that I will have a partner in the future. I've come very close on multiple occasions (As in, have had partners in the past, but things simply didn't work out.) I like and have had fictional crushes, yes, but I know that, even if they were real, they wouldn't be for me.

You eventually find someone in your life, and any fictional crushes you may have either simply fade away, or you learn to accept them as is and just ignore them.

Or, that's at least how it is for me.

(Yes, I know this was mostly directed at people who are more into fictional characters, but I felt like sharing my thoughts as well.)

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