Topic: What to do if some mods are out to get me (if they really are and this is not a misunderstanding)?

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Among many very important topics like what does "armpits" tag really mean? this might seem non-significant, but still...

Firstly, an unrelated squeal: after registration I found out that I have to wait for a WEEK to just comment on the post I liked. Really? don't tell me this is supposed to stop shitposters and spammers, nothing prevents them from waiting and then doing their potty deed. The real users, on the contrary, will be discouraged to communicate. But that's not about the individual mods, just an unpleasant first impression. Nevermind, I guess.

Some time, plus one week (yes, I am vindictive) later, under this post #3188096 post, this wonderful comment appeared, making me a little uneasy and wondering whether it's a very bad comic promotion attempt, a very bad joke or a very bad case of mental illness on Knotty Curls' part. From the ensuing epic dialogue I've deduced it was a joke. I think. I hope. The important part is that said comment was downvoted into disappearing from default page view and the thread attracted some other mods, who weren't probably happy about some n00b barking at someone being of one blood with them, and this was likely the starting point of my problems here, which never go outside of the range of plausible deniability. But, for the time being, I was blissfully unaware of the gathering clouds.

The first bell rang when for this comment on the trash furry-hater comic (no, it's not "self-irony" in this comic, it's defamation through denigration and misrepresentation) I've got a "record" from Millcore, stating "Bait" and implying that I broke the "Spamming or Trolling" rules. "Huh?" - I thought, but since the record was "neutral", I was more interested than anything else. So I've sent a message explaining what I meant and asking what exactly said user records are, and did not worry too much when I did not receive any reply.

But then I've got a new "record" (that showed me at least one more possible record type despite mods not answering my question, but for some strange reason I don't feel particularly grateful) from bitWolfy and that was more obnoxious, because the type was "negative" and the record itself contained some interesting "rule violations" listed and I want to go into details a little here. The first two was stated to violate the same "Spamming or Trolling" CoC section, which I don't think is true:

[1] is not any trolling, it's just a suggestion to people who are putting an effort into depicting the totally character-impossible, whole-lore-impossible and just generally disgusting grandfather-grandson incest porn. It's emotional, yes, and that's natural for anyone who knows the original characters. I probably don't really mean the latter part of that suggestion, but I'm not taking back any of the former one, unless they're coprophiles. In that case l don't know what to suggest. SPAM, maybe, for me to at least partially fit the accusation?

[2] answer to an alt of a blocked douche talking to himself and wondering why is he downvoted is not a trolling either, as well as not a trolling is an educated guess about the reason for commenters there attempting to shame a character for the traits he doesn't actually have. It's just a non-neutered answer which some people are not accustomed to. Well, it can also be a bit of necroposting, which I only noticed afterwards, I admit, but not trolling. Also other comments on that comic are far more "offensive", but I don't see any "user have received tsk-tsk for this poo-poo" marks, which makes me think I am a "special case of interest".

And the last but not the least is this capital offence of "Refusal to Use Blacklist". I am really interested how I'm supposed to use blacklist to filter the content that is causing disgust in me by the combination of drawing style and the situation depicted with otherwise acceptable tags? Also I'd say I forgot about the blacklists entirely and didn't really dig into the functionality due to me rarely blacklisting anything/anyone, but that would be declared "wrongfully claiming lack of knowledge", I guess. Anyway, it seems like a far-fetched case specially searched for to add "weight" to accusations and make other mods more prone to see me as a delinquent. That was just my one-worded opinion, where's the freedom of speech? The silver lining is the fact that this reminded me of blacklists and I've used those on the trash that was listed as the first "violation" immediately, so I'm grateful-ish for this at least?

So, the question: what does one do if targeted by some mods and receiving punishments for things that for others go unnoticed (and do you think these warnings are... uh... not totally unbiased)?

Updated by Earlopain

First flag. You presume that a mod is trying to bait for something... because they don't have enough to do already? Then you insulted the mod. What do you expect?
And the second flag... Just read your own, linked comment and ask again...

Btw. freedom of speech is not an excuse for being a dick.

I'm opting to skip over the other complaints about your records because, ultimately, you're assuming that two different accounts belong to the same person for no particular reason, you're trying to pass off "eat shit and die" as a helpful suggestion, and there is literally nothing to be gained by replying to "why is this getting downvoted"-type comments (no, seriously, nonconstructive comments are how you get more Spamming and Trolling records.)

tic_tic_tac said:
And the last but not the least is this capital offence of "Refusal to Use Blacklist". I am really interested how I'm supposed to use blacklist to filter the content that is causing disgust in me by the combination of drawing style and the situation depicted with otherwise acceptable tags? Also I'd say I forgot about the blacklists entirely and didn't really dig into the functionality due to me rarely blacklisting anything/anyone, but that would be declared "wrongfully claiming lack of knowledge", I guess. Anyway, it seems like a far-fetched case specially searched for to add "weight" to accusations and make other mods more prone to see me as a delinquent. That was just my one-worded opinion, where's the freedom of speech? The silver lining is the fact that this reminded me of blacklists and I've used those on the trash that was listed as the first "violation" immediately, so I'm grateful-ish for this at least?

I'll gladly address this one, though: there is not a single person on this site who can read your mind, so what else is a person to assume if you leave that kind of comment?

If you don't like an artist's style, you can blacklist them. If you don't like fat dudes, you can blacklist overweight_male. If you don't like those two things in combination, you can blacklist corruptedcatte overweight_male. Maybe there's some weirdo with one very particular avatar that you hate, so you blacklist id:3254433 instead. It is nobody's responsibility but your own to make sure that your blacklist fits your particular needs. There is absolutely no reason for you to be leaving those kinds of comments.

"Freedom of speech", as it applies to law, only protects you from the U.S. government, not societal consequences. Meanwhile, free speech absolutism is a joke of a position that its holders will readily discard whenever it suits them.

tic_tic_tac said:
So, the question: what does one do if targeted by some mods and receiving punishments for things that for others go unnoticed (and do you think these warnings are... uh... not totally unbiased)?

If you feel like you are being unfairly punished get in contact with NotMeNotYou.

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