Topic: High heels and high heeled shoes are basically the same thing, but I can't wrap my head around BUR system

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

High heels is overwhelmingly common shorthand for high heeled shoes. It would make sense to alias one to another. Currently high heels don't even imply shoes. But BUR makes my head explode, so I'm asking for your help.

Please don’t hide tag requests, and you can edit BURs, unlike normal implication and alias requests.

cutefox123 said:
Please don’t hide tag requests, and you can edit BURs, unlike normal implication and alias requests.

Oh, you're right. You can edit it when you click that BUR #2475 link if you're the one who requested it--and it hasn't yet been denied. Making three whole requests for only two parts a piece is a waste, and hiding them is rude.

Sorry, I got confused and shat my brain a little.

furrin_gok said:
post #1074403
high heels can also be leg or foot wrappings, which are still footwear, but not shoes. (Does this image count? It's more of a brace than a wrapping, but certainly not a shoe)

...Why were leg wrappings and foot wrappings nuked??? Those are valid tags.

I think it's better to come up with a separate tag for those things, since majority of people only think of shoes when talking about high heels. digitigrade_high_heels would find some use on this site, I think. barefoot_high_heels too, maybe?

Here's a link to a screenshot of one of my own BUR pages, with the edit button pointed out.

Let's take a look at your BURs:

create alias high_heeled_shoes -> high_heels # duplicate of has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through bur
create implication high_heels -> shoes
remove implication high_heels -> high_heeled_shoes # missing

#duplicate of has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through bur looks a bit daunting, but it basically just translates to "Hey, the tag you're trying to alias away has other things aliased to it and/or implicates other things." You need to have a Post-BUR in this case, so you can do the following:

unimply high_heeled_shoes -> high_heels
unimply high_heeled_shoes -> shoes
unimply high_heeled_sneakers -> high_heeled_shoes
Post BUR

alias high_heeled_shoes -> high_heels

And your last BUR:

remove implication high_heeled_shoes -> high_heels
create implication high_heeled_shoes -> high_heels # duplicate of implication #38023

This makes no sense? You're asking to remove it just to add the same exact thing back on. You may as well do nothing.
# duplicate of implication #38023 means that it's already being requested or handled through that implication number. Typically these are safe to remove from the list.

waydence said:
Sorry, I got confused and shat my brain a little.

I think it's better to come up with a separate tag for those things, since majority of people only think of shoes when talking about high heels. digitigrade_high_heels would find some use on this site, I think. barefoot_high_heels too, maybe?

Except that the tag for high heeled shoes is high heeled shoes. high heels is for any and all high heels, including the digitigrade_high_heels and high heeled boots.

furrin_gok said:...

It's just that hardly anyone tags high_heeled_shoes. It does make sense, but it's not the first thing that comes to mind of average person. It's wiki page is empty, and there's only 157 posts tagged.


waydence said:
It's just that hardly anyone tags high_heeled_shoes. It does make sense, but it's not the first thing that comes to mind of average person. It's wiki page is empty, and there's only 157 posts tagged.

that is fucking befuddling considering how popular and well known high heels are

also overly long BUR title solidarity

That’s weird that they’re separate tags. I’ve never realized that.

I guess boots and sandals don’t imply shoes (though I think they are still considered shoes technically…) so it maybe makes sense? But then what the hell are high heeled sandals if not regular high heels? Aren’t they pretty much always sandals, in that case? Then what are high heeled shoes for, if not that? Something like sneakers with high heels…? What even is considered a “shoe” on this site?!? The shoe wiki explains literally no distinction. Neither does footwear. My head hurts now.

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