Topic: [APPROVED] BURied languages implication (language imply text BUR)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #2511 is active.

create implication baybayin_text (44) -> text (1256769)
create implication croatian_text (16) -> text (1256769)
create implication constructed_language (558) -> text (1256769)
create implication romaji_text (88) -> text (1256769)
create implication romanian_text (9) -> text (1256769)
create implication sanskrit_text (10) -> text (1256769)
create implication swahili_text (5) -> text (1256769)
create implication theban_text (3) -> text (1256769)
create implication tibetan_text (2) -> text (1256769)
create implication waloon_text (0) -> text (1256769)
create implication xhosa_text (1) -> text (1256769)
create implication zalgo_text (29) -> text (1256769)
create implication translation_check (4819) -> text (1256769)
remove implication tantalog_text (174) -> text (1256769)
create implication species_name (1502) -> text (1256769)
change category commissioner_name (324) -> meta
create implication commissioner_name (324) -> text (1256769)
change category copyright_name (284) -> meta
create implication copyright_name (284) -> text (1256769)
create implication japanese_sign_language (4) -> sign_language (118)

Reason: Other language_* tags imply text already.
Tantalog is a fictional language, which implies constructed language (Esperanto also implies this), which should imply text.

Species/commissioner name tags means that text must be present for it to be tagged as such.
Also moving these tags to the meta category to match the other tags.
Copyright name's wiki says that it can be text or a logo, but I put it in the BUR, unless people thinks otherwise, it can go either way.

Translation check means that there is some text that is translated. Though maybe it should imply translated?

ASL implies SL, so it makes sense that JSL should also imply it. Maybe moved to the meta category?

Related forums:
topic #27846 | aliasing filipino dialects together, may conflict with this BUR.
imply character_name -> text see topic #18080
imply artist_name -> text see topic #30058

EDIT: The bulk update request #2511 (forum #335193) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #3779 has been rejected.

change category fictional_language (412) -> meta
change category constructed_language (558) -> meta
create implication aurebesh_text (61) -> fictional_language (412)
create implication bengali_text (1) -> text (1256769)
create alias engrish_text (0) -> english_text (884077)
create implication eorzean_text (4) -> fictional_language (412)
create implication faroese_text (1) -> text (1256769)
create implication furbish_text (4) -> fictional_language (412)
create implication inkling_text (15) -> fictional_language (412)
create implication maori_text (3) -> text (1256769)
create implication orokin_text (4) -> fictional_language (412)
create alias te_reo_text (1) -> maori_text (3)

Reason: Part 2: Electric boogaloo
move the synthetic languages to meta to match natural languages.
engrish is english, but different.
imply the rest of the languages
imply the symthetic languages to imply fictional_language

not sure what do about old_english_text

implicate runic_text -> fictional_language
implicate galactic_text -> fictional_language
implicate draconic_text -> fictional_language

no google results for "trunic text" but there are results for "tunica text"...
Not sure on what to do with character cipher, which seems to be its own... thing I guess...
could of sworn there was already a tag for toki pona...
If there is anything I should change, let me know.

EDIT: The bulk update request #3779 (forum #353244) has been rejected by @spe.

UPDATE: Rejected, but has been implemented.


The bulk update request #3780 has been rejected.

create implication toki_pona_text (67) -> constructed_language (558)
change category eorzean_text (4) -> meta
change category faroese_text (1) -> meta
change category furbish_text (4) -> meta
change category inkling_text (15) -> meta
change category maori_text (3) -> meta
change category orokin_text (4) -> meta
change category toki_pona_text (67) -> meta

Reason: see above:

it was over the limit by ONE entry

category draconic_text -> meta
category runic_text -> meta
category galactic_text -> meta

EDIT: The bulk update request #3780 (forum #353245) has been rejected by @spe.
UPDATE: Rejected, but has been implemented.


Eh, the fictional languages give me pause. Draconic text and Galactic text in particular are rather generic terms that could describe distinctly different things; e.g. both D&D and Elder Scrolls could have a concept of "draconic text", but have nothing to do with each other. And space is a pretty common setting, so it's easy to have different interpretations of galactic text that are unrelated. Runic text also seems like something that could be completely different in different settings; outside of actual real-world runic text, you would have a distinction between magic runes or ancient runes that could be completely made up, along with runes that are made to look like real-world runes but aren't.

IMO, we should only have tags for fictional texts that come from an established setting, like Splatoon or D&D or Pokemon or something, and avoid generic names like "draconic", "galactic", "runic", etc.

to be fair, searching runic languages does bring up "elder Futhark" which is probably a better name.
the full name of the galactic language I can find is "The Standard Galactic Alphabet" so uh... not much better

I'll edit it to remove the generic ones.

cutefox123 said:
to be fair, searching runic languages does bring up "elder Futhark" which is probably a better name.
the full name of the galactic language I can find is "The Standard Galactic Alphabet" so uh... not much better

If worse comes to worse, you can use a suffix to specify what setting/series/franchise it belongs to. draconic_text_(elder_scrolls) or something would make it clear what it refers to, then draconic_text and such generic ones can be disambiguated/invalidated.

cutefox123 said:
I'll edit it to remove the generic ones.

They still seem to be in the last BUR.

watsit said:

They still seem to be in the last BUR.

Those tags do still belong in the meta category, at least until we decide what to do with them, but I'll remove them anyways.

cutefox123 said:
Those tags do still belong in the meta category, at least until we decide what to do with them, but I'll remove them anyways.

They're obviously ambiguous, so they should be in the Invalid category, if not aliased to _(disambiguation) tags that should be in the Invalid category.

gattonero2001 said:
What about Esperanto audio?

I mean like, I guess, but we dont have an Esperanto audio or any language audio tag, and they dont imply constructed language, all tags that imply constricted language in some way are all texts.

[coming over from topic #39729]
Eh my main complaints with the bur is
audio from fictional languages will imply fictional language and then text, despite there being no text, and

General disagreements with how fictional_language and character_cipher should be treated. I believe fictional language be languages created from the ground up, and character cipher being a "language" which is just english (or other languages) but with the letters and digraphs replaced by symbols of the created "language". Though I wouldn't be entirely opposed for character_cipher to imply fictional language.

The bulk update request #10002 is active.

change category sign_language (118) -> meta
change category american_sign_language (30) -> meta
change category japanese_sign_language (4) -> meta
change category toki_pona_description (11) -> meta
create implication character_name (9391) -> text (1256769)
create implication artist_name (73342) -> text (1256769)

Reason: Doing some cleanup
Changing the categories of the sign languages to meta. I'm ok if sign language itself stays in general, mirroring text and english text. There's also arguments for putting it in meta, since outside info is necessary for it to be distinguished from regular gestures.

implying character name and artist name to text because they are text tags + following precedent of copyright name and commissioner name

Using this BUR to bump. The two pending BURs above should be rejected (because they've been mostly implemented). Opinions on what to do with runic text and draconic text?

EDIT: The bulk update request #10002 (forum #434304) has been approved by @spe.

Updated by auto moderator

snpthecat said:
Though I wouldn't be entirely opposed for character_cipher to imply fictional language.

A character cipher could easily be made in a context separate from fiction. Even stuff like written Morse Code could be interpreted as such.

anicebee said:
A character cipher could easily be made in a context separate from fiction. Even stuff like written Morse Code could be interpreted as such.

Yeah i'm now okay with keeping them separate.
Damn morse code do be the original character cipher

snpthecat said:
We're currently going on the assumption that constructed language means constructed language text which is a bit long.

We haven't gotten any constructed language audio yet (i think) and if we do we can rename this one (and the others) to constructed language text (and their respective text counterparts)

if you can sit through the FЯED-style chipmunked voices, I think one of the characters in post #2987587 is speaking in whatever constructed language this artist uses.

dba_afish said:
I'm more confused as to how it's seperate from character_cipher.

Character cipher i assume is just a one to one mapping of symbols to alphanumeric characters. a script should be something new that doesn't directly copy from any existing language

Though with its current implication tree it doesn't seem to be set up that way.