Topic: Tag implication: tail_through_skirt -> Skirt

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

riverinadryland said:
I can maybe see this implication for tail_over_skirt but the others are used for both skirts and dresses.

But, as the main editor of the tail_under_skirt, tail_through_skirt, and tail_over_skirttags for over 6.7k posts, I noticed that there was a good portion of the posts that were tagged with dresswere tagged with skirt as well. Otherwise, I wouldn't have tagged them. So therefore, ta_un_sk, ta_th_sk, and ta_ov_sk still applies whether it's a dress or a skirt.

riverinadryland said:
Sounds more like something that needs cleaned up. A skirt covers only waist down, which should be tagged separate from dress which covers upper and lower body.

The wikis of ta_un_sk, ta_th_sk, ta_ov_sk has all been updated, and now dresses count as skirts.

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