Topic: The Legend Of Zelda update needed

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Hi! I'm new to editing and tagging, but I was looking at the details on the "The Legend Of Zelda" tag and stumbled across the games sub-category. It was there I noticed a missing game, "Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity". I doubt a tag would be born out of it, but it looks to be that all the games, including spinoffs to the series. And while mentioning spinoffs, I suppose "Link's Crossbow Training" could be added, just for the sake of being thorough and having all the games and spinoff titles. I'm not sure how to edit the about page however, and am not sure if I even can. Could someone help please?

on the bar above the wiki page there should be a button that just says Edit, it's the second to last option before Report.